I upgraded from Evo 1.0.15 to 1.1, and the install also upgraded TinyMce from to 3.5.11. Now, all content fields are blank — no TinyMce toolbars, no content, nothing. If I turn back on and disable 3.5.11, everything works again. Anyone else have this problem? Any solutions?
Found the problem. The system settings had a plugin named "tablecontrols" listed for the RTE, and that plugin doesn't exist (just "table"). I don't know why the older TinyMCE was working with this setting, but the new one didn't like I. I removed that, and all is well.
I'm having the same issue but I don't see any plugins name "tabelcontrols". I'm wondering if there is something else going on?
I'm having similar issue.
After a fresh install of MODx Evo 1.1, I first observed that in "Tools -> Configuration" the two last tabs, "File Manager" and "File Browser" tabs were not displaying.
I found out that (re-)uploading the "assets/plugins/tinymce" folder (version 3.5.11) from either MODx Evolution 1.1 installation package or version from a working installation of MODx 1.0.15 solved this problem.
TinyMCE is then able to diplay the page content.
However, the button bars do not display (despite the plugin events were imported into the database). The only three things displaying are "Title 2", "Font size" and the Youtube button.
In MODx Evo 1.1 installation queries "install/setup.sql", there are three settings concerning the toolbars that TinyMCE should display:
- tinymce_custom_plugins
- tinymce_custom_buttons1
- tinymce_custom_buttons2
I checked that the list of plugins and buttons written by the installation queries are the same as in previous versions of MODx.
I also checked that for each of the listed plugins a folder with the same name was present in "assets/plugins/tinymce/tiny_mce/plugins".
As for the buttons, don't know yet where to check it.
This issues remains for me a mystery.
Possibly the version of PHP ?
@TAIYO: I too cannot see any "tablecontrols" plugin called by the default installation.
I assume that user "rainbowtiger" was using some custom configuration displaying the buttons for editing tables.