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  • Hi, I have updated a big site to revo 2.2.8 and I have a strange problem...

    I regularly login in the manager, I use it, modify some resources and so on,
    after a few minutes I try to save and I get "Error - access denied".

    If I logout and login again everything works fine...
    It happens to several user, administrator included.

    My big problem is that I can't reproduce exactly what causes it, sometimes everything works fine for hours, sometimes after few minutes I get this error!

    Modx Log is empty.

    I don't use the database cache handler, so I use default php cache handler, may be this is the problem?

      TilliLab | MODX Ambassador
    • Hello,

      Do you have the HTML5 manager caching enabled? If so disable it and remove it from your browsers list.
        Patrick | Server Wrangler
        About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
      • Hi, thanks for your reply,

        html5 manager cache is disabled,
        I have "manager_js_cache_file_locking" enabled (with manager_js_max_age=3600), may be this causes the problem?

        Another thing I noticed: after upgrade the cache_handler has been set automatically to "xPDOFileCache"...
          TilliLab | MODX Ambassador
        • I've seen this as well. I don't have an answer as to what is causing it, but flushing your own permissions seems to fix it.
            • 36470
            • 12 Posts
            I think this is becouse you have more then one user with Administrator Access Policy and they are logged at the same time. It happens to me too, but whe I logout all the users except one it is ok.
            May be this will help you: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Creating+a+Second+Super+Admin+User
            • Hi, thanks for your reply.

              @freejung if I try to flush all the session I have this error: "flush_sessions_not_supported".
              May be there is a problem with write permission after upgrade?

              @svetoslav Actually there is another administrator, but the problem happens also when "standard users" are logged, and I can't grant only one user per time logged... sad

                TilliLab | MODX Ambassador
              • That's odd, but I didn't mean to flush all sessions, just "Flush Permissions."

                svetoslav, that's useful information but I really do want to have more than one admin - and also the problem appears to happen to non-admins as well.
                • ok, permissions cleaned! I'll update you, thanks smiley
                    TilliLab | MODX Ambassador
                    • 3749
                    • 24,544 Posts
                    That message comes from this code in the session flushing processor:

                    public function process() {
                            if ($this->modx->getOption('session_handler_class',null,'modSessionHandler') == 'modSessionHandler') {
                                if (!$this->flushSessions()) {
                                    return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('flush_sessions_err'));
                            } else {
                                return $this->failure($this->modx->lexicon('flush_sessions_not_supported'));
                            return $this->success();

                    Check to see if the session_handler_class System Setting is set to 'modSessionHandler'. If not, you'll get the error and won't be able to flush sessions.
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                    • Hi,
                      I've made several test, no success...
                      anyway I changed session_handler_class System Setting to "modSessionHandler" and now I can clean permissions, flush all sessions and so on.

                      The problem afflicts both administrators and "editor" users, this morning I noticed a new error in the modx error.log:

                      [2013-06-28 08:19:14] (ERROR @ /index.php) Error 23000 executing statement:
                      INSERT INTO `modx_session` (`id`, `access`, `data`) VALUES ('38r5p90dtobvvo95tjlpeaoil1', 1372400354, 'vQCc77C_8mCfQfkhzS7pPPwFVmCEYiRgjt-42piBPYoTi4AbXVblfz74D9SRVpHR')
                          [0] => 23000
                          [1] => 1062
                          [2] => Duplicate entry '38r5p90dtobvvo95tjlpeaoil1' for key 'PRIMARY'

                      May be this is related? anyway it's just one error for several users, most of them must login->logut->login again in order to save resources.

                      I forgot an important detail: it's an advanced modx installation.

                      Other information (as Bob suggests): It's a proprietary server, Ubuntu based.
                      mysql 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10,
                      php 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.9
                      Apache 2.0 (I think, not sure, just in case I can check)

                      Sometimes we have problem with folder write permissions, anyway now sessions are handled by database so it shouldn't be the problem.
                      Thanks for your help,
                        TilliLab | MODX Ambassador