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  • I think the best way MODX could make money is by creating an extra store.

    Having an extra store where developers can make money and then MODX takes a % of the profits the trick is to not get greedy, limit your extras to a certain price limit say 20 bucks MODX gets 25%.

    If the user has purchased this extra before give it to them at a 50% discount and split the profits 50-50 for both MODX and the Developer, this would create an ecosystem where developers will work on creating more extras because they have the potential of making extra income while sharing some of the profits with MODX.

    Reviews for the extras will week out the bad from the good and would also entice the developer to keep his extras up to date with new features instead of making an extra and abandoning it.

    This doesn't mean there won;t be any more free extras on the contrary this would make developers make free extras and then make premium extras where they make the extra easier to use think of Formz extra here you can have a FormIt extra where you do all the work or a drag and drop solution at a higher price.

    I think this is the best approach for MODX to have a consistent "Donation" model.
      Benjamin Marte
      Interactive Media Developer
      Follow Me on Twitter | Visit my site | Learn MODX
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      Quote from: benmarte at Apr 09, 2013, 12:00 AM
      I think the best way MODX could make money is by creating an extra store.
      Having an extra store where developers can make money and then MODX takes a % of the profits the trick is to not get greedy, limit your extras to a certain price limit say 20 bucks MODX gets 25%.

      I agree a marketplace makes a lot of sense. Not only as a revenue source, but for public snapshots. For example I'm working on a tutorial for part of a MODX Meetup and I'd love to be able to simply publish the snapshot to a MODX Cloud Marketplace and tell the audience to go there and grab it for free.

      I don't see the marketplace on this list though so I'm not holding my breath.

      Quote from: splittingred at Mar 29, 2013, 01:40 AM
      Quote from: dinocorn at Mar 28, 2013, 06:22 PM

      One thing I find myself wondering is how much is the SiphonLabs team going to prioritize developing Wordpress Cloud features over requested features such as script automation with CRON jobs (or something similar). I've got a handful of clients that were ready to move sites over the day that feature landed, when it was MODX Cloud at least.
      As Director of Cloud, I can guarantee that won't happen. If you'd like to know, I'll be blatantly transparent: here's our priority roadmap for SiphonLabs for the next couple quarters:

      1. Get WordPress in the system
      2. Add Domain and Email Hosting
      3. Add SSL
      4. Work on getting MODX 2.3 released
      5. Work on smaller Cloud issues, such as CRON/Settings/et al

      If you'd like more info on that list, please ask.
        • 8609
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        Quote from: redtoad at Mar 28, 2013, 09:09 PM
        You know it's funny. I wanted to start a modxbeginners.com site to help educate people about MODX and could not. I was told I couldn't use the name. I am not alone in that. But when I sat down for a beer with Otto from WordPress, and Rod and I asked him,"How'd you guys do this?" He said, "It was the community."

        You guys need to partner with the community, and you have done some things to hinder that. In my opinion, some people haven't listened. You haven't gotten as much exposure as you could have because of it. I totally understand the need for cash flow. I do. But it was my understanding that you could go with the Magento model, offering Community and Enterprise level editions eventually. I thought that was a possible direction you were headed in. Did that change? Why did that change?

        I am completely sympathetic to and supportive of the "core team" and want to help much more than I do. I think everyone here who has any concern for MODX needs to step up more. That includes me. I understand because our core team is two people too. Rough gig. I get it.

        A few years ago we had to look at what we were doing and make changes too. We had to listen to what people told us. And we had to change how we did things. It's a good thing to do. But you can't do that without making some value choices. We had to do that. We had to decide if we were going to be a social media marketing company or a website/interactive design company. we had to decide if we were going to serve mom and pops or go after enterprise customers. I understand. We had to decide who we were. Growing pains.

        We made those choices based on who we were. I think you're doing the same, but there are distinctly different visions of who you really are. I don't have a problem with either vision personally but I do -trust- one direction more than the other. And I also know that resistance comes against any great effort. I think you're allowing circumstance to mold you and I think you don't have to.

        I think you have two different and distinct ideas on who you are. That's what it looks like from here.

        It seems to me that you're saying flat out that MODX CMS can't make any money. I don't believe that. It hasn't yet. I'll grant you that. But 2 years is a miniscule amount of time to expect a company to succeed in. I'm sorry, but it is. Maybe you guys -all- need to focus on what you do well, working together instead of dividing your efforts and stick to the original vision. Cook with recipes that work. Let us (the community) publish with the name and expose it. Do Enterprise editions of the system. Gee. Cloud already could be that. And hire some sales people who understand your system and this industry and have the best interests of MODX at heart. Oh wait. You wouldn't have to. The Community could do it.

        just my two cents. I am and will be praying for the -entire team.-
          • 8609
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          To be honest, this trademark policy/trust issue has been a big game stopper for me. As those who know me may know I have been a MODX CMS fan, written a good number of MODX beginner and intermediate tutorials on my personal coding blog and recorded a number of MODX video tutorials hosted on Youtube, Vimeo, Blip.tv, as well as at http://modxvideotutorials.com, which is one of my websites. I have responded to hundreds of comments and emails answering MODX questions from developers and end users alike who find me via my MODx tutorials, and I train and support MODX developers on a constant basis. I have also built and I manage many MODX sites. By my personal nature I prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and remain out of political discussions, what-if discussions, heated exchanges, and arguments, and just keep plodding along doing what I do best.

          However, when someone mentioned to me a while ago that I was violating the MODX trademark (which I wasn't even aware of, due to my aforementioned oblivious nature), I immediately went and read the policy and realized that indeed, by owning the modxvideotutorials.com domain name, I was violating the trademark. I was astounded. I bought, a long time ago, a couple more top level domain names with the word MODX in them *gasp* that I intended to use for teaching MODX and supporting MODX users. Because I use my personal coding blog for a bunch of other things, I foolishly thought having a blog with modx in the url would be more appealing and less confusing to people looking for modx knowledge (than to have it bundled with drupal and wordpress and etc tutorials). When my violation of trademark was exposed, the energy went out of my tutorial-writing screencast-recording sails. Needless to say, for that and many other reasons my support for MODX has waned over the months, not just because I think the trademark policy is counterproductive for a system that claims to be community focused, but also because I think the general direction and stance that MODX has taken towards the community hasn't been one of trust, or community friendly. I don't think this was necessarily intentional, but I think it's been the unfortunate outcome with a portion of the community. I could expand on that but I think others have articulated it quite well.

          As redtoad said, you have to trust your community. It would be one thing if some random person out there registered a domain name with the words modx in it, but I think it's another thing altogether if it's an established community member with a proven track record of supporting MODX in one way or another, such as redtoad, and others.

          I have absolute respect for Shaun and Jason and the hardcore dev work they've done giving us MODX, and for Ryan and Jay as MODX evangelists. I sort of understand where everyone is coming from. But, I think that there needs to be a reciprocal relationship of trusting the community, and letting us support MODX CMS the best way we can and know how, whether it's by developing extras, tutorials, offshoot modx websites (with disclaimers of course), or donating hard cash. You could even put standard text that needs to go in the footer of any website that supports MODX but is not part of the official site. I would happily post that on the modxvideotutorials.com site, or any other modxsomething.com site I think of building and launching. Don't you see, you can't utilize all the modx related domain names out there. And it's better if we as supportive community members do, because then there'll be a proliferation of MODX sites, promoting MODX, spreading the word. Allow us to do it. Allow us to register/own/use top level domain names with the word modx in them and you'll be surprised what an effect it will have on growing the MODX brand. Allow your community to help you grow.

          And while I'm at it, may I say that trademarking the phrases: { “Future Proof.”, “Sleep Well at Night.” and “More Time for …” when replacing the ellipsis with an activity} is a purely draconian measure in my opinion. People use those phrases aalllll the time, how the heck can you trademark them?

          There's a dearth of advanced but complete and easy to understand (not an oxymoron, trust me) MODX tuts out there. If there were more, perhaps you'd have more than two core devs? I bet there are developers out there who would willingly volunteer to be mentored by Shaun and Jason and join the core dev team, freeing you guys up to do other stuff. That's how projects like Drupal and WP have grown. In addition, you can offer enterprise support, taking on big clients with big projects, such as Silverstripe (the company) and Acquia do. There are times i get offered a project, I feel it's too big for me so I pass it on to someone else who feels it's too big... etc. Perhaps if you had a MODX Enterprise or whatever team (without the partnership thing) any of us could pass those kinds of projects on to you and maybe get a finders fee (or nothing at all) and you make the big bucks?

          I do wish you all the best with Siphonlabs, but I think that if you focus on supporting the community the community will grow and support you organically. And you can do this without creating any exclusive groups or memberships that exclude the bulk of your community.

          just my 2c, written in a bit of a hurry, forgive any typos or grammatical errors.

          Quote from: redtoad at Apr 02, 2013, 01:56 PM
          I understand the trademark policy as MODX is fledgling and no doubt the Powers that Be felt they need to retain total control. However I can't help admitting that we didn't do as much in the tutorial writing arena as we would have had we been allowed to move forward with modxbeginners. It might have eventually become a full-time gig for us to write if we could have followed the content marketing model we wanted to pursue, with revenue from advertising. It is what it is, we won't pursue that path again even if it opens up. We've moved on.

          I will say I know that not all the leaders agreed with the decision/policy.

          All I will say about it is I've found trust to be more growth-inducing than not.

          If you have a group of people who want to write about your product and promote it daily, you might let them.

          • @einsteinboi

              Benjamin Marte
              Interactive Media Developer
              Follow Me on Twitter | Visit my site | Learn MODX
            • Yeah, I'm not too happy about all this "suit" behavior either. But then I grew up in the 60's and while preferring a clear mind and the occasional shower, I suppose I'm pretty much philosophically a hippy.
                Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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                Quote from: sottwell at Apr 09, 2013, 04:28 AM
                Yeah, I'm not too happy about all this "suit" behavior either. But then I grew up in the 60's and while preferring a clear mind and the occasional shower, I suppose I'm pretty much philosophically a hippy.

                Wow, I agree, I was a long haired hippy type too. Hey if you're in Florida, wanna go on a date? lol

                Anyway I think the model for Modx should be like Joomla!. They don't go around desperately asking for donations. Somehow they just do it. And there is a whole ecosystem around it. With Modules and Components for sale too.
                If you're too greedy it smells like dead fish 200 miles away or maybe even stink up the whole planet with it! hint hint.

                504 Gateway Time-out
                  • 37514
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                  Quote from: rethrash at Apr 08, 2013, 07:35 PM
                  You have raised some very interesting ideas—thanks for taking the time to share. I know for MODX overall itself over its 8+ years, soliciting donations has always been non-productive and to be honest a bit demoralizing … they just don't come easily.


                  My only concern with "officially" encouraging something like this, is the potential of alienating contributors that volunteer for very important roles to the overall MODX ecosystem, but that are easy to overlook unless you've "been there and done that".


                  If only the folks that crank out code are rewarded financially, or you have to actively promote you efforts by keeping an "Open Source timesheet" as proof/evidence of your contributions, I wonder if that could be a disincentive to some contributors?

                  I think as long as we all benefit and it's clear what we are donating for, it then donations are fair and helpful and to be encouraged. Donations should be to support the core project, rather than the other contributions we make. Donations shouldn't be a replacement for voluntary contributions, but they should help others contribute, by sustaining the project as a whole, for instance by helping core devs, or setting up conferences, or whatever helps the project the most, as a whole.

                  Ryan, could you set up a PayPal subscription button, so those of us who have said we'd contribute in this way can; and then at least we can see if people are willing to put their money where their mouth is?
                    • 37099
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                    Quote from: jim.killock at Apr 09, 2013, 07:34 AM
                    Ryan, could you set up a PayPal subscription button, so those of us who have said we'd contribute in this way can; and then at least we can see if people are willing to put their money where their mouth is?

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                      It's disappointing the Siphon Labs home page has 18 errors and 4 warnings. http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fsiphonlabs.com%2F

                      Is this what happens when you have too much creative freedom?