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    • 22840
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    Let's face it, even if the donations only raised $500 a month it's still enough for Rhyan, Jason and Sean to take the good ladies out for a meal once a month on us wink
      • 36851
      • 20 Posts
      We should all invoice an open source fee (f.e. 1%) per project and give to modx. Then it's the clients who donate mooohahahahaha!!!!!
        • 40447
        • 165 Posts
        Einsteinboi said: just my 2C.
        Einsteinboi, your post is way more than that. Following you over the years, reading your posts, blogs and tutorials, the post you just made in the current course of modx could have come only from someone like you. Truly spoken from someone having a soul of community voice, exposing the gravity of the case where humor and popularity no longer work.
          • 37514
          • 178 Posts
          Quote from: modxjr1 at Apr 09, 2013, 07:58 AM

          Open source projects do not depend on begging for donations.
          Perhaps not, but they often help. Plenty of major projects have income streams from donations. Another common route is a kind of foundation model (for example, Apache), where businesses with a stake in the future of the product join for an annual fee. Just a thought.
            • 38290
            • 712 Posts
            Revolution 2.2.7 is released but not available yet through MODX Cloud. Any wagers how long the wait is?
              • 28215
              • 4,149 Posts
              Jp, it will likely be added tomorrow after testing.
                shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
                • 36215
                • 4 Posts
                Quote from: dinocorn at Mar 29, 2013, 05:33 PM
                My thoughts on the re-branding of MODX Cloud to SiphonLabs and why it's a bust
                Spot on big time!
                The branding is (also) important.

                1) Maintaining Evolution in MODx branding is confusing for any newcomer.
                2) MODx Cloud brought both the justification and the confirmation of MODx Revolution.
                To change the name to Siphonlabs is killing this perception.
                [ed. note: Tsetse last edited this post 11 years, 1 month ago.]
                  • 39333
                  • 151 Posts
                  This is one of the best threads I've ever read in these forums! I am so happy to see those who might normally keep things like this to themselves really showing they care about MODX. Understandably so. It's like the old marketing ploy, "if you like something you might tell 3 people, if you don't like something you might tell 50" That's just human nature, not necessarily admirable but as humans I guess we just enjoy telling others what we don't like.

                  That being said my 2 cents is that the main reason MODX Evo, and now Revo, have stuck in there for all this time is a big part of the effort of the core dev team and what they've created with the minimalistic logical beauty of what MODX is and how it works. I mean its a farkin' work of art! And while the marketing team has made lots of important connections along the way that is not why developers, designers, and sitebuilders use the MODX platform.

                  There's no fluff, mickey mousing, wasted features, etc, etc. The interface is so simple to use and the functionality so easy for logical minds to understand it just sells itself. It just makes sense! I'm no big dev guy, I know enough to get by, but I've been exposed to a lot of dev languages at least at intro level and have always worked in logical technical fields. Usually as much physical as mental, but when I decided to officially change careers and was looking for a CMS to invest time and energy in to use as the core platform to build websites I was entirely frustrated by all I encountered until coming across MODX. I've also gone off in many directions researching this one or that or this new thing here and always ALWAYS end up coming back to MODX. There's simply nothing really like it. It's unique and has it's own special place in the web technologies field.

                  I don't fully understand the direction some of the team intend for MODX. I'm not sure dollar signs in a persons eyes is ever a good thing. And I'm not entirely convinced with what I've read about, "changing the world for the better" etc. That seems like a cover to me. Money is the driving force behind all of this change. Of course this has been stated as well, but under the shield of the former.

                  I just think that the reason the MODX community is so "sold" and supportive of the MODX platform is because of the platform itself. The community came about because of it, not the other way around. Granted a lot of really good people reciprocating has also fueled its growth. If it's pushed like "community, community, community, we love you guys, but we'll do what we want" while the core 2 devs are left trying to keep the most important part together and the marketing and image team goes off on their own tangent with egos blaring then the whole reason MODX became what it was and is today may be forgotten.

                  Last I'd just ask has anyone seen that episode of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares with Cafe Hon in Baltimore, MD? Local cafe owner copyrighted the word "Hon" and enraged the entire Baltimore area because of it. In Baltimore "Hon" is a casual saying that everyone uses and the restaurant owner had the gal to swipe if from the community. I'm no marketing expert, but to tell the truth I don't think I really need one.
                    MODX...the Zen of CMS
                    "Bight off more than you can chew and keep right on chewing."
                    • 28120
                    • 380 Posts
                    Quote from: eric.swd at Apr 12, 2013, 08:32 AM
                    ... they've [MODX] created with the minimalistic logical beauty of what MODX is and how it works. I mean its a farkin' work of art! ...

                    I agree and this bit fascinates me. When I'm using MODX I'm always amazed how well it's been thought through to make my task as simple, clean and elegant as possible in the real world of website building.

                    How is it possible that these same brains can't mimic that clarity of thought in their marketing and business planning? It's got to be something to do with the left side vs the right side of the brain I guess.
                    • I've always heard it that the ties of the "suits" cut off the oxygen to their brains wink
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