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  • The snippet properties have a few differences, besides having a lot more options thanks to all the option in pdoTools itself.

    The chunk tpl placeholders usually don't need the prefix, such as Wayfinder's wf. prefix.

    Using a starting '&parents' property of 0 is consistant in meaning "all", as 0 means in other properties, so if you mean to use the Tree root 0 as the parent then you need to use +0.

    Also the includeTVs property takes a comma-separated list of TVs to include, instead of a boolean to include/not include TVs.

    The &showLog property is good for debugging your snippet processing, and bezumkin's DebugParser gives even more information about what's going on during the generation of a resource.

    bezumkin is very good about responding to questions, he's best found on the Slack channels.
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      Thanks again Susan, WayFinder is next on the list to replace, then ultimateparent & fastfield as the pdotools have all necessary elements required to do all the jobs