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    • 14125
    • 62 Posts
    Still nothing in 3 years. Sad.
      • 39059
      • 11 Posts
      Well, have you looked into miniShop, Shopkeeper, Magento Store Product Lister, or Vision Cart?
        • 28120
        • 380 Posts
        Why's that sad? Just use Magento if you want shop!

        MODX won't run my email, so I use Exchange.
        • There are hundreds, if not thousands of MODX sites featuring one type of eCommerce system or another. Just because a compelling, out-of-the-box Extra solution rivaling Magento or the like is not available yet, or assuming the ones that are available don't meet your eCommerce requirements, does not mean eCommerce is not possible in MODX.
            • 14125
            • 62 Posts
            This is supposed to be a framework for designers.

            No designer can set that up.

            Misleading marketing.
            • Seems to me that if you set yourself that far apart from development, as a designer you'll forever need to harness the expertise of a developer to do much other than making pretty web displays outside of something like Wordpress where it's all plug and play.

              Designing in Wordpress (to me) is like redecorating a house someone's lived in for 45 years without the option of actually removing any of the furniture. Developing there, like having a catalog of free appliances that appear magically, all doing the same basic thing, but each deciding what special options it'll allow you to utilize when you want it to wash the white laundry on cold, but add fabric softener and bleach. Finding that washer that will do cold white loads means picking through the catalog and trying each one. Last option being that one could open the appliance and attempt to add the functionality yourself (developing) or call an expert (a developer).

              Nowhere have I found reference to MODX being a framework for designers who are unwilling to develop some or ask for help from a developer (or here even). In MODX, hardly anything is plug and play. But nothing you don't need is sitting there wasting your time and energies working around. If you want to design the house and use everyone else's favorite appliance functions, MODX probably isn't the answer.

              Asking where you could find some information about how to set up one of the e-commerce options referenced above might get you closer to a viable option than claiming MODX is marketed improperly, and that designers in no way could ever set e-commerce up. A good many designers might take offense at such a claim.
                Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
                "Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "MODX - The Official Guide" by Bob Ray. Read it.
                Having server issues? These guys have MODX Hosting perfected - SkyToaster
                • 36573
                • 173 Posts
                Foxycart and a little hard thinking and you've got e-commerce.
                  Everything I know I learned on the internet. Saved me thousands in College tuition,
                  • 14125
                  • 62 Posts
                  What happens when thy're gone? You invest so much and no software. What if they go belly up?

                  I'm going to post my problem and I hope that someone could point me to a better solution. I think I will post it in a new post.

                  Site is at breakawaydistributing.com - see products

                  I used get resources a and a bunch of hacks to get it work, but doing a new product takes about half an hour - way too complex for my client as it involves image resizing, creating the page in dreamweaver, paste that code into a new product resource, and put tin the correct form for that product. Also I can,t see how I can have an item in 2 categories, if say I wanted to do a sort by brandnames.

                  Will a shop help? Simple cart? Vision cart? - it seems to be defunct now. I would be grateful for any thoughts.
                  Than you

                  [ed. note: jhewak last edited this post 12 years, 1 month ago.]
                  • All Internet activity involves trusting others. Are you maintaining your own server? If not, you're depending on a hosting company, and can only hope that nobody else on the same server or even in the same location attracts government attention, getting everybody's servers confiscated. Even if you are maintaining your own server you still depend on an ISP, and in turn on a telephone company or a cable company. We all depend on time servers and DNS servers, routers and gateways. Look what happens to whole countries when a ship drops its anchor in the wrong place. You depend on a payment gateway. You depend on your bank. There's just no way to do anything on the Internet without depending on a lot of other people in one way or another.
                      Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                      Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
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                      • 36573
                      • 173 Posts
                      I'm a designer and I figured out how to build a shopping cart. peopleprotection.com or ecc11.com. My clients maintain most the content. The product templates are set up as forms for them to fill out. They run smooth and have great SEO friendly pages. I continue to tweak them. The images are automatically resized, they have product options, quantity discounts and more to come.

                      I'm not sure there is any CMS that doesn't rely on a third party plug-in for a shopping cart. I love modx, I can build anything I want any way I want and I'm still learning. Each to their own that's what so great about the internet.
                        Everything I know I learned on the internet. Saved me thousands in College tuition,