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  • Awesome, thanks smiley

    AMDBuilder has stepped up to offer a domain name and server for the site. laugh

    I love this community.
      Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

      Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.
    • Okay, I’ve been thinking about the funding for this development over the past days and how to get people excited to help out financially, and came up with a few perks which will also benefit those contributing..

      This is still a draft, and not yet a plead to get that credit card out, but I want to know how you guys feel about this and the proposed license details. Okay, so this is the draft spec of the funding.

      $$$$$$ Crowdsourcing through Rockethub.com $$$$$$$
      Total funding for specs:		€ 3900
      Funding goal 1:				€ 2700
      ## Guaranteed features from specs:
      Sessions, resource listing:		€  400
      Pub, remove, view details:		€ 1000
      Edit functionality:			€ 2000
      TV support per specs:			€ 2700  # Funding Goal
      Custom plugins:				€ 3400	# VersionX will probably be the demo package
      Custom TV input type frmwork:		€ 3900		# Demo: Auto-tag? Color picker?
      ## Funding goals
      Deduction as "own donation":		€  500
      Total funding - deduction:		€ 3400
      Funding goal - deduction:		€ 2200
      Additional funding over 3400 can go to developing some HandyMan
      plugins (Quip, Rampart, Batcher, Redirector, VisionCart, Polls)
      or developing extra features based on community requests.
      ## Perks
      * 	Every € 25,- is worth a year license (so € 250 = 10yr of licenses)
      * 	Every € 50,- is worth one hour of premium HandyMan support
      *	Every contributor over € 25 gets a mention on the dedicated
      * 	Every contributor over € 50 gets mentioned in the
      	copyright code. 
      * 	Every contributor over € 75 gets a link on the website.
      *	Contribution over € 100 also gets a link/email mentioned
      	in source code.
      *	Contribution over € 250 gets mentioned within a non-licensed 
      	app on every page and upon login.
      *	Contribution over € 500 gets a link added to their mention.
      ## License
      *	Addon is free to use, but includes an attribution to developer and
      	contributors (over € 250,- or of real significance*). This attribution
      	is visible on every page and on a special page displayed upon login.
      * 	€ 50,-/yr license is worth one hour of premium service and
      	removes the attribution on every page and upon login. And supports
      	further development. You will also be able of adding your logo
      	to the app to brand it when it has been licensed.

      * Contributors of real significance are for example translators of the language currently being used.

      To sum up, this is what the above is proposing:
      - When € 2200 has been pledged (or "fueled") parts 1, 2 and 3 are guaranteed to be developed. The custom plugins and custom tv framework are in that sense "optional" to this development and are only guaranteed to be added if the total of € 3400 has been pledges/fueled. It may still be developed eventually, but is not guaranteed in that sense.
      - HandyMan will be released as a free to use application - however the contributors (over € 250 or of real significance) will be mentioned on a dedicated page after login ("This addon was developed after generous funding from these individuals and companies: <unordered list here> Continue to start screen >>") and at the bottom of each subsequent page ("Made possible after funding by these individuals and companies: <comma separated list> and more.") with a link to the license page on the website.
      - A license (valued at € 50,-/yr per manager) will remove the attributions from the screen, offering a more professional look. The license sales will be used to fund further development. Every license also includes an hour of premium support related to HandyMan.

      The benefits you get for taking part in funding this:
      - Every € 25,- is worth one year of licenses, valued at € 50,- after development. So if you donate € 100,-, you get 4 years of licensing. That could be four licenses each lasting one year, or one license which is valid for four years or any combination of that. I’ll be developing a system to keep track of this (and validate license codes added from the app) automatically. So you will be able of allocating your licensing years to any number of license codes/sites as you wish, or keep them unallocated until you need them.
      - Every € 50,- contributed is worth one hour of premium HandyMan support. So donate € 200,- and you get four hours of premium support.
      - Every contributor who donates more than € 25,- also gets a mention on the "thanks" page of the website. Those who donate more than € 75,- are allowed to add a link to that.
      - Every contributor who donates over € 50,- gets a mention in the source code copyright, and a link (between brackets) when donated over € 100.
      - Every contributor who donates over € 250,- gets mentioned on the "attribution" page and bottom of the page within the app, which will also be linked at € 500,-.

      Don’t forget that when you donate € 500,-, you’re still getting all of the benefits aswell, including 20 license years (which you can allocate at will: 20 sites with 1 year of licensing, 5 sites with 4 years of licensing etc etc), and 10 hours of premium support.

      People that don’t donate money, but rather help developing, testing, translating etc may also be eligible for a number of free licenses, but how many is not decided yet and will be decided on a per-case basis.

      There may be added "wholesale" licenses at a later time which may offer licenses at prices under € 50,-, but that will never go below €30,-/license so it will be cheaper to donate and get a number of licenses now compared to later.

      The licensing will allow further development, bug fixing etc etc.

      So that’s the plan at this point. When all goes well (based on your feedback), I’m hoping to put out the funding request in 2-3 weeks, and start after that. I’d estimate this development will take between 2 and 4 months after that, depending on several personal factors. In that time I’m aiming to release an updated release every couple of weeks so you guys are updated on the progress. If people would like to stay updated, I could even set up a mailing list for contributors. License years will start the day of the PL release, before that there will be a special beta testers license freely available.

      How do you guys feel about this?
        Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

        Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.
        • 21838
        • 284 Posts
        I can say "yes" to that. Sounds plausible to me and worth it. smiley

        But about the costs after fundraising: Why do you charge 50$/yr per licence? It’s not that it’s too much but I’m interested in how you evaluated it.

        What I didn’t get is the thing with "custom plugins" - do you mean external packages implemented in HandyMan or sth. else?
        Why is Custom TV input type frmwork after custom plugins?

        Think you should provide a timeline, too. No one likes it to spend lot of money into something where he don’t know when it’s ready to use. Of course it’s not easy for you to set a fixed date but I think that’s needed.
          MODX Free Template Base: MODX-Boilerplate | my blog (lots of MODX stuff) | my gitHub (translations) | MODX User Groups Germany (Facebook)
          • 7455
          • 2,204 Posts
          Why both?

          Why first get the funds to create the thing? AND make money off it later by licence?

          if you ask license fees than pre fund it and get it back true license fees or just fund it by donations and give it back to the community.

            follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
            • 21838
            • 284 Posts
            Quote from: Dimmy at Mar 07, 2011, 06:25 PM

            Why both?
            Why first get the funds to create the thing? AND make money off it later by licence?
            if you ask license fees than pre fund it and get it back true license fees or just fund it by donations and give it back to the community.
            That’s why I’m asking how he thought. Maybe development is worth $7800 and it’s cut to half?
              MODX Free Template Base: MODX-Boilerplate | my blog (lots of MODX stuff) | my gitHub (translations) | MODX User Groups Germany (Facebook)
            • Thanks for commenting, really appreciate it smiley

              What I didn’t get is the thing with "custom plugins" - do you mean external packages implemented in HandyMan or sth. else?
              Why is Custom TV input type frmwork after custom plugins?

              Custom plugins would extend what the package can do. Per the specs you will be able to edit resources, but plugins could then be made to extend the behavior. There could be a plugin to add chunk creating/modifying to it, user management or even display a random message of the day, but also addons can be ported. As most use ExtJS right now, that would need to be modified to jQuery Mobile or just html/css to work in HandyMan. The start page will list the core functionality, as well as the enabled plugins.

              The custom TV input type framework (couldn’t think of a more descriptive name) allows TV input types to be used in HandyMan. In the specs I added what input types will be supported in the core, and additional input types could then later be added which will be integrated in the resource create/edit page.

              About the timeline - you already gave the answer. It’s too hard to make a solid ETA, and I would rather commit to a three-weekly released package than a release date. As time progresses, I would then get a better idea on how long it will take to complete and provide a date then. From what I can tell now, the funding stage will take another month or so, after which I’ll get to work. I’ve estimated part 1, 2 and 3 to take about 95 hours, and the customization part another 20-30-ish iirc. I could probably allocate about 10hrs/week on this, which would mean 2 1/2 months to develop part 1-3: June 20-ish. But maybe I can only spend 5 hours in a week on this, or perhaps even a week full time. If I can get this funded, this will be treated as a priority though and perhaps I could wrap it up earlier... There’s just no real way to tell at this stage. I will think some more about this, and try to find details on test weeks, holidays etc from school to see if I can come up with a schedule.

              As for the licenses.. The price is more of a gut feeling than something I spent hours calculating for. I want to give people contributing in the beginning a distinct advantage in return for their trust, and from a continued development point of view a licensed style of funding is probably the best one. New people will join the community, need a mobile manager for their clients, try it, would like to get rid of the attribution, and in the process of buying a license for it help continue development on it, to see it receive more functionality and perhaps one day even being able of doing nearly anything needed from MODX.... *keeps on daydreaming*

              I don’t see this as double funding a project, and although I hope to receive some steady income from licenses later, it is not my intention to get rich of this. If it was, I would’ve upped my rate, added some VAT and would definitely not have taken off €500,- as my own contribution.

              By contributing € 25,- now, you get a license code which kicks in when the PL release is ready which I have valued at € 50,-. So that’s a benefit for you (you get a license at half the price) as well as for me (I’m sure I’m getting paid, even if it’s at about 60% of my usual rate, which is way lower than average rates already as I’ve been told). Will you need to get a new license after a year? If you want to keep on using it without the attribution notices: yes. But you don’t have to, and you can just ignore the message after login and at the bottom of the page. Functionality remains the same whether you decided to renew the license (and help keeping development going) or not.

              For every € 50,- you donate, you’re also getting an hour of premium support. So that’s two licenses and one hour of support for € 50,-. When it’s developed, you will get the same number of licenses and hours of support at €50,- each. As I’m not offering you two hours of support for € 50,- in the funding stage, I keep costs down and can focus on developing rather then supporting. And during the beta stage I want to iron out bugs anyway, so I probably wont charge for support during the beta stages anyway.

              So what I hope to get across here is that I’m not making "double profit" as what Dimmy seems to be illustrating by selling licenses after development, but that you’re sort of pre-ordering a license and will forever be loved by me, and anyone who uses the addon, sees your name on the list and is thankful you took the chance to fund it to enable people to get a mobile manager developed.

              Quote from: smooth-graphics at Mar 07, 2011, 06:27 PM

              That’s why I’m asking how he thought. Maybe development is worth $7800 and it’s cut to half?
              It’s not (or at least, not at my rate) worth € 7800. The € 3900 is the hours I estimated (which I’ll probably go over big time, but that’s my responsibility), times my hourly wage at this time of € 30. Usually, I would also charge 19% VAT on top of that but I chose to not do that here, and also take of my own "contribution" of €500,- to get the basics started. Leaving € 3400 for the full set of specs, and € 2200 for the editing. That’s the development costs as far as I’m concerned.

              After development of course I hope people will start using it. That does mean, however, that when people use it, people find bugs, want additional features or can’t get it to work in their environment. Still working on VersionX, I’m realizing how much time it takes to get things right for everyone. When I released the first alpha, it was working perfectly fine on my localhost and I was aiming for a PL in 2, maybe 3 weeks time. Months later now I’m not even out of alpha due to all the complexity involved in different setups, dependencies, features, bugs, etc. I think VersionX is nice as thing on the side, but this project deserves to be actively maintained and developed after the release as well. To keep it a priority though, there would need to be some flow of money coming from it or it would not be worthwhile to spend hours upon hours on it. Which is why I’ve decided to keep the addon free, but with enough incentive to spend a little money on it which will then help moving forward.

              Dimmy, I would love to know how you guys keep VisionCart worthwhile to work on. I somewhat assume 1-Vision lets you work on this when they have no work to do, but still need to pay you both full time.. From looking at your site, it doesn’t look like you’re making any profit of the donations though, which is why I don’t want HandyMan to rely on donations alone either.

              In order to create this whole license thing accompanying HandyMan, I’ll also be working on a system built on VisionCart and that Paypal module released last week to automate assigning of license keys. (Edit: just want to make clear that this has *not* been taken into consideration for the funding goal, and is not included in the price. This is a personal thing I don’t want to charge you for. If it turns out good, it might be a licensed addon or something.) If this commercial model works, that will allow me to donate back to you guys, possibly make enough money to make the investment of becoming a MODX partner worthwhile and make way for commercial addons on MODX. Which in the end will all benefit the MODX community, and people outside it looking for a safe investment. (That’s not saying this whole funding is for "the greater good" - of course I want to go out for dinner after the release to celebrate it. But I’m trying to say that it is not my intention here to become rich from this.)

              Thanks for taking the time to comment (and possibly even read this very lengthy reply o.O). This whole commercial license is new for me, and even for the bigger part of this community and I really want it to be done right. And without talking about it, there’s no way to know what is the right course of action. Really appreciate it.
                Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

                Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.
                • 7455
                • 2,204 Posts
                Thank you for you explenation,

                With VisionCart it was all a big gamble, we invested around 90.000 euro’s in VisionCart
                Hoping that we can create shops with it to get our investments back.
                We as VisionCart core programmers are hoping that companies will come to us to let us create addons etc and complete VisionCart solutions so we can support our families,
                and indeed the donations wont get us our money back, its more like kudo’s for our work, and yes we do get money from 1-vision to create this,
                but we where never forced in any way to give it out for free, giving it back to the community is because we are making sites using modx from the beginning of modx and it was time to give something back.

                hope this answers your question
                We are hoping that people will continue to get exited about modx and VisionCart (and maybe donate a bit to keep us happy?)
                  follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
                • I’m glad you’re happy I explained it, but are you also happy with the way I’m proposing to fund the development as it stands now? That’s what I’m trying to do by posting it here before setting up the campaign - to see if it’s doable.

                  I admire you guys took that gamble, and are still actively working on it. If I get the license thing working with VC I’ll help fill up that golden box still looking way too empty.... Promise.
                    Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

                    Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.
                    • 26422
                    • 107 Posts
                    I don’t know guys, maybe I’m just the odd one out here but MODX needs commercial add-ons for the very reason being thrown around in this discussion. VisionCart imo SHOULD be a paid licensed product. It’s not about giving back it’s about moving forward. As a business solution provider for my clients I WANT excellent developers like Mark, Dimmy etc. to be developing products, plugins and code that will help my clients and make it easier for me to do my job in making the client happy. That means including good documentation, training, support etc. I’d gladly pay a few hundred dollars for a well oiled VisionCart with the security and peace of mind knowing that the team is still building/working/supporting it.

                    I really think this topic needs to be addressed. I’m tired of getting excited about upcoming add-ons that never happen because there is a lack of motivation, resources and funding. Sell me a license and provide an excellent product.

                    Mark your plan of action is a great step forward in this area and I’ll support this type of endeavor for sure. €50/y seems more than fair to me.

                    It’s time to stop thinking that open source means free. smiley
                      Crawford Paul

                      Bridgecourt Web Design - Proudly using ModX CMS
                      Serving Welland, Niagara, Ontario, Canada and the world!
                    • For the sake of disclosure: I have been talking to Crawford before releasing the first specification, as well as this funding proposition to get some details figured out. He’s been a great help in that, and although I really appreciate his inputs and we have been working together on various projects already, I really want other people’s opinions about it too. The community doesn’t exist out of us alone, but involves many, many more individuals with their own opinion.

                      This is not just HandyMan, but if funding like this could be succesful, it could drastically affect the future of MODX by means of more well developed and supported extras being available.

                      The whole commercial or not discussion is also here: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,61659.0.html - what was said there made me want to try this interim solution. Crowdsourcing development combined with licensing. But still available for free if you can live with some links on the pages.
                        Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

                        Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.