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    • 30128
    • 78 Posts
    Well.. for example for October, I have added only one test date, October 18th. In the month-view then, there is first 17 "No events schedule for this journey," followed by "Events of 18 October 2007," which is again followed by the event description. After that, there is 11 more "No events schedule for this journey."

    So, we have 17 + "Events of 18 October 2007" + event description + 11 = 30 = days of October. This is similar for the other months - each event description "steals" an entry from the total sum, such that if I have entries on the last dates on the month, they risk not getting shown.

    So that’s one of the problem - a slight logic error in the way you count the total entries for a month. The second problem is the fact that the "No events schedule for this journey" is shown for all "empty" dates.

    Again, this is when I’m not using Template Variables, only the publish and unpublish dates.
      • 10313
      • 375 Posts
      Hello, after some time of Kalender/CALx abstinence (I didn’t work with it) I am finally using CALx for the first time.

      Thanks, Jabber, for the great work. The feature list seems to be quite complete. Cool.

      But I’m sorry that I am not only writing here to praise you, but I have an issue with the TVs for start end end dates. My snippet call is:

      [[CALx? &getFolder=`13` &getTypeProcess=`createCal` &lang=`english` &useTV=`true` &dateStartTVName=`startDateofEvent` &dateEndTVName=`endDateofEvent`]]

      I’ve set up the TVs as described in your installation guide. So, now the problem: I get the following error message:

      The TVid of the TVName : startDateofEvent not found
      Check your syntaxe.

      I already tried to rename the TV, no effect. I tried to use pubdates instead: The calendar works fine.

      Do you have an idea what might be the problem?

      Thx in advance
        • 13320
        • 245 Posts

        First, thanks for trying my snippet smiley.

        Can you check in your
        table the name field of your TV’s.

        Do they match ?
          • 10313
          • 375 Posts

          I checked it and the names looked the same. Nevertheless I copied and pasted the string from the database (phpMyAdmin) directly into the content field of MODx. No effect, I still get the same error.

          Can it be that the caption does the difference? My TV has the caption `Beginn` (while the name is `startDateofEvent`).

          Btw: I don’t just want to test your snippet but I want to/will use it wink

            • 13320
            • 245 Posts

            I’m a little confused right now about your issue, i just tested some new names for my TV’s while keeping the same call, and i got the same message.

            However, if i change the name of the TV’s inside the call, it works.

            Could you take some screenshots of your 2 TV’s declaration and paste the call of the snippet ?
            That would help me to get the problem.
            Thx in advance. smiley
              • 30128
              • 78 Posts
              For some reason we tend to have events that start the first days in next month... These days are often displayed in the calender (since I chose to fill the calendar with days from previous/next month), but event information for these days are not shown.

              I’d either like to have events shown for all days displayed in the calendar, or the possibility to have two calendars shown, one for this month and one for next month.

              Rigth now I’m giving the impression that there are nothing big coming up, while actually we have really big events both the 1st and 2nd of september smiley
                • 13320
                • 245 Posts

                For now, i chose not to display the events of the days from previous/next month.

                I will try to include this in my next CALx release unless i find something more essential or a bug to add/solve.

                Anyway, having two calendars shown one for current month and one for next month would be way too complicated to handle.

                  • 10313
                  • 375 Posts

                  Quote from: Jabberwock at Aug 17, 2007, 05:41 PM

                  Could you take some screenshots of your 2 TV’s declaration and paste the call of the snippet ?

                  Screenshot is attached, snippet call is
                  [[CALx? &getFolder=`13` &getTypeProcess=`createCal` &lang=`english` &useTV=`true` &dateStartTVName=`startDateofEvent` &dateEndTVName=`endDateofEvent`]]

                  Thanks and greetings
                    • 30128
                    • 78 Posts
                    Quote from: Jabberwock at Aug 19, 2007, 07:24 PM

                    I will try to include this in my next CALx release unless i find something more essential or a bug to add/solve.

                    Nice smiley Thank you so much for your work on this one, I now finally have a calendar that the users of the website are able to maintain themselves. Did you look any more into the problem with the monthly view? I have just excluded it from view for now, so it’s nothing critical.

                      • 13320
                      • 245 Posts

                      @FuryDE, you were right tongue, no issue with your dates.

                      Have you tried with simpler names, such as ’start’ and ’end’ ?

                      Usually, when i get this kind of problem, it’s because of a syntax issue which is invisible, like an additionnal space when pasting a name...

                      Anyway, this leaves me quite speechless and nothing seems wrong in your code.

                      @tjalve, i looked into the problem with the monthly view indeed and it’s solved.
