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    MOZx, please remain focused on the issue. The rules are not "not to use bold or colors" but not to *overuse* them, there is a big difference.

    I suggest you read the community rules please This are fairly simple to observe (and basically, common sense):

    If you have trouble with english, please consult the abridged french version :

    If you have personal issues, I suggest you settle this via MP. This is of no interrest (yes, I used bold) to the other users there.

    Now, to answer your question, give an empty value to $relatedListTitle, as instructed in the snippet’s help (Give your related list of links a title if you desire- otherwise set as an empty string ’’)

    // $relatedListTitle [ string ]
       // Give your related list of links a title if you desire- otherwise
       // set as an empty string ''. Can also be declared in snippet call
       // with "LR_title" like:
       // [[ListRelated?LR_title=Other links you might like]]
       $relatedListTitle = '';

    Hope it helps
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