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    • 36592
    • 970 Posts
    First of all, does reflect output proper list of months based on ’pub_date’ of your documents ?
    If not, try adding &dateSource=`pub_date` in your reflect snippet call.

    Second, do not add ’sortBy:pub_date’ in your Ditto call on the landing page.
    It must be separated like &parents=`61` and &sortBy=`pub_date`.

    Third, you have to add ’wp_’ to all the pagination placeholders on your landing page like ...[+wp_previous+].
      • 19688
      • 21 Posts
      I do not understand why this people do not make a complete and explicit documentation for their work. Reflect and ditto are 2 extraordinary snippets, but the documentation sucks. Make some dammmm tutorials... I have spent hours with this and still cannot make this work as it should...
        • 16183
        • 1,390 Posts
        Quote from: mishoo78 at Sep 30, 2008, 11:30 AM

        I do not understand why this people do not make a complete and explicit documentation for their work. Reflect and ditto are 2 extraordinary snippets, but the documentation sucks. Make some dammmm tutorials... I have spent hours with this and still cannot make this work as it should...

        I am no mod here but trust me - this kind of attitude and language will not get you anywhere. You think the developers are just sitting somewhere twiddling their thumbs? This is an open source-community-supported project. Developers and the community are contributing their time, skills and ideas free of charge. So you’ve spent hours with the two snippets; do you know how long the developer spent creating them?

        Yes, we know and they know that there needs to be better documentation and that’s work in progress. People have families, etc to take care of besides earning a living. Have some sense to thank people for the hard work they put in free of charge. Better still, why not help out and contribute to the documentation, or some other thing?

        My time here, though not that long, has shown me that people here are very helpful and kind...with the odd exception. Also, some of your questions may well have been answered in some other posts. While I may understand your frustration, you need to show a bit more respect IMO.....

        • You may benefit from having a dictionary next to your computer. Quite often the documentation means exactly what it says. For example, a snippet that creates an archive (such as Reflect) does just that.

          The basic documentation and instructions are there to give an idea of what the snippet does; you need to work with it to configure and adapt it to doing things your way. Everyone wants things just a little differently than everyone else, and what you want to do is almost certainly not quite what the snippet’s author had in mind when he wrote the snippet for his own use, and generously released it to the community.

          And that’s what the forums are good for, help on configuring and adapting the basic snippet to each individual’s requirements. Usually a simple "Help with <whatever>" topic asking for help, with some information on your setup and what you’ve tried so far will get a dialog started.
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            • 29181
            • 480 Posts
            I am having some problems with Reflect. Everything is being pulled in correctly etc. but
            <h2>[+wp_month+] [+wp_day+] [+wp_year+]</h2> 

            is outputting absolutely nothing.

            [!Reflect?config=`wordpress` &targetID=`116` &getDocuments=`1` &dateSource=`pub_date`&dittoSnippetParameters=`parents:23`&id=`wp`!]

            is my call, and in ID 116 I have:

            <h2>Month is: [+wp_month+] [+wp_day+] [+wp_year+]</h2>

            I’d really like to have the Month and the Year in that H2 tag to make things a little easier to see.

            Maybe a Reflect/Ditto pairing should be shipped in the "Sample web site" available when installing, so we can copy it as it’s done there?

            Thanks for any help that can be offered!
              Adrian Lawley: www.adrianlawley.com
              • 3632
              • 22 Posts
              Having just spent 2 days struggling with this I finally realised that the order of the parameters is important in getting the filtering to work. Sample ones that are working for me are:

              [!Ditto? &id=`myDittoCall` &parents=`4` &extenders=`dateFilter` &summarize=`2` &total=`20` &commentsChunk=`CommentsBlog` &tpl=`BlogTemplate`!]

              [!Reflect? &id=`myDittoCall` &targetID=`4` &groupByYears=`1` &getDocuments=`1` &monthSortDir=`DESC` &dittoSnippetParameters=`parents:4` &showItems=`1`!]

              Hope this saves someone some headscratching!
                • 25576
                • 27 Posts
                I’m having trouble with Reflect, too. It creates a list of months with the (seemingly) correct params. But when I click on a link, my blog page simply displays the latest entries, not those from the selected month.

                This is the Reflect call:

                [[Reflect? &id=`blog` &dittoSnippetParameters=`startID:118` &groupByYears=`1` &getDocuments=`1` &targetID=`2` &tplMonth=`reflect_month_tpl` &dateSource=`pub_date` &dateFormat=`%e %b %Y` ]]

                This produces the expected list with links like this:


                The Ditto call on the target page is:

                [!Ditto? id=`blog` &parents=`118` &display=`5` &removeChunk=`Comments` &tpl=`Blog_Post_tpl` &paginate=`0` &sortBy=`pub_date` &dateSource=`pub_date` &dateFormat=`%e %b %Y` &extenders=`summary,dateFilter,tagging` &tagData=`documentTags` !]

                What am I doing wrong?
                  • 22286
                  • 9 Posts
                  rotsky -

                  I had that same problem and I discovered I had to ’link’ the Ditto and Reflect calls properly.

                  Check it:

                  [[Ditto? &id=`blog` &startID=`2` &summarize=`8` &removeChunk=`Comments` &tpl=`ditto_blog` &paginate=`1` &extenders=`summary,dateFilter` &paginateAlwaysShowLinks=`1` &tagData=`documentTags` &dateSource=`pub_date` &sortBy=`pub_date`]] Showing [+start+] - [+stop+] of [+total+] Articles [+previous+] [+pages+] [+next+] 

                  [[Reflect? &id=`blog` &dateSource=`pub_date` &dittoSnippetParameters=`startID:2` &groupByYears=`1` &getDocuments=`1` &targetId=`2` &showItems=1` &tplMonth=`reflect_month_tpl` ]]

                  Worked for me.
                    • 22673
                    • 72 Posts
                    Hi guys,

                    This is slightly related: I noticed that Reflect pulls out the archives based on "createdon" I think, but I would rather they were pulled out using a date TV, tvNewsDate.

                    Is this possible and can anyone show me how?

                      • 40024
                      • 72 Posts
                      Hello everyone!I have noticed that all the problems i had with reflect were caused by the parameter &config=`wordpress` . Since i removed it i had no problems.i suggest trying this and then styling/templating what you want through css/chunks.

                      Oh,and i found this cheatsheet:


                      that has all of the parameters used by reflect in one place(it includes ditto parameters too).I hope someone finds this helpful smiley . [ed. note: dinpapa last edited this post 11 years, 6 months ago.]