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    • 674 Posts
    hi again david now test my instalation of flexsearchform and go well
    here are the code i use:
    call to the snippet
    template var id 17
    input type: dropdopwn list menu
    Input Option Values: selecciona||www.hydra.es mi casa||www.fanderia.es
    Default Value: selecciona
    Widget:string formater
    string format sentencie case
    and the code of the snippet NAME FlexSearchFormFullTVars
    // -----------------------
    // Snippet: FlexSearchFormTVars
    // -----------------------
    // Version: 0.7
    // Date: 2005.02.01
    // [email protected]
    // Modded whith filtered search by template variable page multilenguage suport and results whith introtext/summary by xyzvisual [email protected]
    // This snippet was designed to create a search form
    // that is highly flexible in how it is presented. It
    // can be used as both a small, subtle, persistent
    // search field element, as well as present the search
    // results. All elements are branded with classes
    // for easy CSS styling.
    // CONFIGURE multislenguage simbols
    // --------------------------
    // if you need another character update this arrays
    $simbol2 = array("á","é","í","ó","ú","ñ","Á","É","Í","Ó","Ú");
    $remplace2 = array("á","é","í","ó","ú","ñ","Á","É","Í","Ó","Ú");
    //get thevalue for the template variable is necesarry to this snippet work put a snippet call like [!FlexSearchForm?TmpVarId=17!]
    // you can get the id for the template variable puting the mouse over the link to go into and look in the wrowser window bottom direction
    //(in firefox show all the direction, tut over diferents links and the number what change is the id
    //for best results the templatevariable could be a dropdown and go ok
    $tmpvarid2 = isset($TmpVarId) ? $TmpVarId : $tmpvarid2;
    // $searchStyle [ ’relevance’ | ’partial’ ]
    // This option allows you to decide to use a faster,
    // relevance sorted search (’relevance’) which WILL NOT
    // inlclude partial matches. Or use a slower, but
    // more inclusive search (’partial’) that will include
    // partial matches. Results will NOT be sorted based on
    // relevance.
    // This option contributed by Rich from Snappy Graffix Media to
    // allow partial matching and LIKE matching of the search term.
    // [email protected]
    $searchStyle = ’relevance’;

    // $useAllWords [ true | false ]
    // If you want only documents which contain ALL words in the
    // search string, set to true. Otherwise, the search will return
    // all pages with ONE or more of the search words (which can be
    // a LOT more pages).
    $useAllWords = true;

    // $showSearchWithResults [1 | 0]
    // If you would like to turn off the search
    // form when showing results you can set
    // this to false. Can also be set in template
    // by using the snippet variable: FSF_showForm
    // like this (1=true, 0=false):
    // [[FlexSearchForm?FSF_showForm=0]]
    $showSearchWithResults = 1;

    // $resultsPage [int]
    // The default behavior is to show the results on
    // the current page, but you may define the results
    // page any way you like. The priority is:
    // 1- snippet variable - set in page template like this:
    // [[FlexSearchForm?FSF_landing=int]]
    // where int is the page id number of the page you want
    // your results on
    // 2- querystring variable FSF_form
    // 3- variable set here
    // 4- use current page
    // This is VERY handy when you want to put the search form in
    // a discrete and/or small place on your page- like a side
    // column, but don’t want all your results to show up there!
    // Set to results page or leave 0 as default
    $resultsPage = 0;

    // $showResults [1 | 0] (as passed in snippet variable ONLY)
    // You can define whether this snippet will show the results
    // of the search with it. Do this by assigning the snippet
    // variable FSF_showResults as:
    // [[FlexSearchForm?FSF_showResults=0]]
    // This is useful in situations where you want to show the
    // search results in a different place than the search form.
    // In that type of situation, you would include two of these
    // snippets on the same page, one showing results, and one
    // showing the form.
    // Default is true.

    // $grabMax [ int ]
    // Set to the max number of records you would like on
    // each page. Set to 0 if unlimited.
    $grabMax = 10;

    // $pageLinkSeparator [ string ]
    // What you want, if anything, between your page link numbers
    $pageLinkSeparator = " | ";

    // $stripHTML [ true | false ]
    // Allow HTML characters in the search? Probably not.
    $stripHTML = true;

    // $stripEto [ true | false ]
    // Strip out snippet calls etc from the search string?
    $stripEto = true;

    // $stripSnippets [ true | false ]
    // Strip out snippet names so users will not be able to "search"
    // to see what snippets are used in your content. This is a
    // security benefit, as users will not be able to search for what pages
    // use specific snippets.
    $stripSnippets = true;

    // $xhtmlStrict [ true | false ]
    // If you want this form to validate as XHTML Strict compliance, then
    // this needs to be true, but IE has a fieldset bug that I don’t know

    // a workaround for. So you can set this to false to avoid it.
    $xhtmlStrict = false;

    // $minChars [ int ]
    // Minimum number of characters to require for a word to be valid for
    // searching. MySQL will typically NOT search for words with less than
    // 4 characters (relevance mode). If you have $useAllWords = true and
    // a three or fewer word appears in the search string, the results will
    // always be 0. Setting this drops those words from the search in THAT
    // CIRCUMSTANCE ONLY (relevance mode, useAllWords=true).
    $minChars = 4;

    // --------------------------

    // $resultsIntroFailure
    // If nothing is found for the search. You should give the user
    // some indication that the search was a failure.
    $resultsIntroFailure = ’There were no search results. Please try using more general terms to get more results.’;

    // $searchButtonText [string]
    // Label the search button what
    // you wish
    $searchButtonText = ’search’;

    // $boxText [ string ]
    // What, if anything, you want to have in the search box when the
    // form first loads. When clicked, it will disappear. This uses
    // JavaScript. If you don’t want this feature or the JavaScript,
    // just set to empty string: ’’
    $boxText = ’Enter search term(s)...’;

    // $introMessage [ string ]
    // This is the text that will show up if the person arrives
    // at the search page without having done a search first.
    // You can leave this as an empty string if you like.
    $introMessage = ’Please enter a search term to begin your search.’;

    // $resultsFoundTextSingle, $resultsFoundTextMultiple [ string patttern ]
    // The string that will tell the user how many results were found.
    // two variables will be provided at runtime:
    // %d The number of results found (integer)
    // %s The search string itself.
    $resultsFoundTextSingle = ’%d result found for "%s".’;
    $resultsFoundTextMultiple = ’%d results found for "%s".’;

    // $paginationTextSinglePage and $paginationTextMultiplePages [ string ]
    // The text that comes before the links to other pages. In this
    // example, "Result pages: " was the $paginationTextMultiplePages:
    // Result pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
    // Page numbers will only appear if there is more than one page.
    $paginationTextSinglePage = ’’;
    $paginationTextMultiplePages = ’Result pages: ’;

    // Styles

    // These styles are included in this snippet:
    // .FSF_form{}
    // .FSF_input {}
    // .FSF_submit {}
    // .FSF_SearchResults {}
    // .FSF_resultsIntroFailure{}
    // .FSF_result {}
    // .FSF_resultLink {}
    // .FSF_resultDescription {}
    // .FSF_pagination
    // .FSF_intro

    // -------------
    // End configure
    // -------------

    // establish whether to show the form or not

    $showSearchWithResults = (isset($FSF_showForm))? $FSF_showForm : $showSearchWithResults;

    // establish whether to show the results or not
    $showResults = (isset($FSF_showResults))? $FSF_showResults : true;

    // establish results page
    if (isset($FSF_landing)){ // set in snippet
    $searchAction = "[~".$FSF_landing."~]";
    } elseif ($resultsPage > 0){ // locally set
    $searchAction = "[~".$resultsPage."~]";
    } else { //otherwise
    $searchAction = "[~".$etomite->documentIdentifier."~]";

    // Set newline variable
    $newline = "\n";

    // Initialize search string
    $searchString = ’’;

    if ( isset($_POST[’search’]) || isset($_GET[’FSF_search’]) ){
    // Prefer post to get
    $searchString = (isset($_POST[’search’]))? $_POST[’search’] : urldecode($_GET[’FSF_search’]) ;
    // block sensitive search patterns

    $searchString =
    $searchString != "{{" &&
    $searchString != "[[" &&
    $searchString != "[!" &&
    $searchString != "[(" &&
    $searchString != "[~" &&
    $searchString != "[*"
    $searchString : "" ;

    // Remove dangerous tags and such

    // Strip HTML too
    if ($stripHTML){
    $searchString = strip_tags($searchString);

    // Regular expressions of things to remove from search string
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[\[(.*?)\]\]~’; // [[snippets]]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[!(.*?)!\]~’; // [!noCacheSnippets!]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’!\[\~(.*?)\~\]!is’; // [~links~]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[\((.*?)\)\]~’; // [(settings)]
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~{{(.*?)}}~’; // {{chunks}}
    $etoRegExArray[] = ’~\[\*(.*?)\*\]~’; // [*attributes*]

    // Remove Etomite sensitive tags
    if ($stripEto){
    foreach ($etoRegExArray as $eReg){
    $searchString = preg_replace($eReg,’’,$searchString);

    // Remove snippet names
    if ($stripSnippets && $searchString != ’’){
    // get all the snippet names

    $tbl = $etomite->dbConfig[’dbase’] . "." . $etomite->dbConfig[’table_prefix’] . "site_snippets";
    $snippetSql = "SELECT $tbl.name FROM $tbl;";
    $snippetRs = $etomite->dbQuery($snippetSql);
    $snippetCount = $etomite->recordCount($snippetRs);
    $snippetNameArray = array();
    for ($s = 0; $s < $snippetCount; $s++){
    $thisSnippetRow = $etomite->fetchRow($snippetRs);
    $snippetNameArray[] = strtolower($thisSnippetRow[’name’]);
    // Split search into strings
    $searchWords = explode(’ ’,$searchString);
    $cleansedWords = ’’;
    foreach($searchWords as $word){
    if ($word != ’’ &&
    !in_array(strtolower($word),$snippetNameArray) &&
    ((!$useAllWords) ||
    ($searchStyle == ’partial’) ||
    (strlen($word) >= $minChars && $useAllWords && $searchStyle == ’relevance’))
    $cleansedWords .= $word.’ ’;
    // Remove last space
    $cleansedWords = substr($cleansedWords,0,(strlen($cleansedWords)-1));

    $searchString = $cleansedWords;

    // Initialize dropdown
    $dropdown = ’’;

    if ( isset($_POST[’filter’])){
    // Prefer post to get
    $dropdown = (isset($_POST[’filter’]))? $_POST[’filter’] : urldecode($_GET[’FSF_search’]) ;


    // Multilenguage search

    $searchString2 = str_replace($simbol2, $remplace2, $searchString);
    $searchTerm2 = str_replace($simbol2, $remplace2, $searchString);

    // End cleansing search string

    // check querystring
    $validSearch = ($searchString2 != ’’)? true : false ;

    //check for offset
    $offset = (isset($_POST[’FSF_offset’]))? $_POST[’FSF_offset’] : 0;
    $tbl = $etomite->dbConfig[’dbase’] . "." . $etomite->dbConfig[’table_prefix’] . "site_tmplvar_contentvalues";
    $sql3 = "SELECT tmplvarid,contentid,value FROM $tbl WHERE ($tbl.tmplvarid = $tmpvarid2) ORDER BY $tbl.value ";
    $drop3 = $etomite->dbQuery($sql3);
    $droplimit3 = $etomite->recordCount($drop3);
    while ($row3=mysql_fetch_array($drop3)) {
    if ($valor==""){
    $resultados.=" ";
    } else {
    $resultados.="<option value=’$valor2’>$valor</option>";

    // initialize output
    $searchForm = ’’;

    // establish form
    if (($validSearch && ($showSearchWithResults)) || $showSearchWithResults){

    $SearchForm .= ’<form id="searchform" class="FSF_form" action="’.$searchAction.’" method="POST">’;
    $SearchForm .= ($xhtmlStrict)? ’<fieldset><legend>Search</legend>’ : ’’ ;
    // decide what goes in search box
    $searchBoxVal = ($searchString == ’’ && $boxText != ’’)? $boxText : $searchString ;
    $SearchForm .= ’<input class="FSF_input" type="text" name="search" value="’.$searchBoxVal.’" ’;
    $SearchForm .= ($boxText)? ’onfocus="this.value=(this.value==\’’.$boxText.’\’)? \’\’ : this.value ;" />’ : ’/>’;

    $SearchForm .=’<SELECT name="filter"><option value="all">Category</option>’.$resultados.’</select>’;
    $SearchForm .= ’<input class="FSF_submit" type="submit" name="sub" value="’.$searchButtonText.’" />’;
    $SearchForm .= ($xhtmlStrict)? ’</fieldset>’ : ’’;
    $SearchForm .= ’</form>’.$newline;

    $search = explode(" ", $searchString2);
    $tbl = $etomite->dbConfig[’dbase’] . "." . $etomite->dbConfig[’table_prefix’] . "site_content";
    $tbl2 = $etomite->dbConfig[’dbase’] . "." . $etomite->dbConfig[’table_prefix’] . "site_tmplvar_contentvalues";
    if ($showResults) {
    if($validSearch) {
    $filter3 .= isset($filter) ? $filter : $dropdown;
    $filter4 = "AND $tbl2.value like ’$filter3’";
    if ($filter3 == "all"){
    $filter4 = "";

    if ($searchStyle == ’partial’){
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl2 , $tbl WHERE ($tbl.content LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ AND $tbl.id = $tbl2.contentid $filter4";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.content like ’%$search[$x]%’ ";


    $sql .= " OR $tbl.pagetitle LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.pagetitle like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= " OR $tbl.description LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {

    $sql .= " AND $tbl.description like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= ") AND $tbl.published = 1 AND $tbl.searchable=1 AND $tbl.deleted=0 ;"; }
    else {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl2,$tbl WHERE ($tbl.content LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ AND $tbl.id = $tbl2.contentid $filter4";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.content like ’%$search[$x]%’ ";


    $sql .= " OR $tbl.pagetitle LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.pagetitle like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= " OR $tbl.description LIKE ’%".$search[0]."%’ ";
    for ($x=1;$x < count($search); $x++) {
    $sql .= " AND $tbl.description like ’%$search[$x]%’";
    $sql .= ") AND $tbl.published = 1 AND $tbl.searchable=1 AND $tbl.deleted=0 ;";

    $rs = $etomite->dbQuery($sql);
    $limit = $etomite->recordCount($rs);

    if($limit>0) {
    $SearchForm .= ’<div class="FSF_searchResults">’.$newline;

    // pagination
    if ($grabMax > 0){
    $numResultPages = ceil($limit/$grabMax);
    $resultPageLinks = ’<span class="FSF_pages">’;
    $resultPageLinks .= ($limit>$grabMax)? $paginationTextMultiplePages : $paginationTextSinglePage ;
    $resultPageLinkNumber = 1;
    for ($nrp=0;$nrp<$limit && $limit > $grabMax;$nrp+=$grabMax){
    if($offset == ($resultPageLinkNumber-1)*$grabMax){
    $resultPageLinks .= $resultPageLinkNumber;
    } else {
    $resultPageLinks .= ’<a href="[~’ . $etomite->documentObject[’id’] . ’~]&FSF_offset=’ . $nrp . ’&FSF_search=’ . urlencode($searchString) . ’">’ . $resultPageLinkNumber . ’</a>’;
    $resultPageLinks .= ($nrp+$grabMax < $limit)? $pageLinkSeparator : ’’ ;
    $resultPageLinks .= "</span>".$newline;
    $SearchForm .= ’<p class="FSF_pagination">’;
    $resultsFoundText = ($limit > 1)? $resultsFoundTextMultiple : $resultsFoundTextSingle ;
    $SearchForm .= sprintf($resultsFoundText,$limit,$searchString);
    $SearchForm .= ’
    } // end if grabMax

    // search results
    $useLimit = ($grabMax > 0)? $offset+$grabMax : $limit;
    for ($y = $offset; ($y < $useLimit) && ($y<$limit); $y++) {
    $moveToRow = mysql_data_seek($rs,$y);
    $SearchForm.=’<div class="FSF_result">’.$newline;
    $SearchForm.=’<a class="FSF_resultLink" href="[~’.$SearchFormsrc[’id’].’~]" title="’ . $SearchFormsrc[’pagetitle’] . ’">’ . $SearchFormsrc[’pagetitle’] . "</a>".$newline;
    $SearchForm.=$SearchFormsrc[’introtext’]!=’’ ? ’<span class="FSF_resultDescription">’ . $SearchFormsrc[’introtext’] . "</span>".$newline : "" ;
    $SearchForm.=’</div><!--end FlexSearchResult-->’.$newline;
    $SearchForm.=’<p class="FSF_pagination">’.$resultPageLinks.’</p>’;
    $SearchForm.=’</div><!--end FlexSearchResults-->’.$newline;
    } else {
    $SearchForm.=’<p class="FSF_resultsIntroFailure">’.$resultsIntroFailure.’</p>’;
    } // end if records found

    } else if (!$validSearch && isset($_POST[’sub’])) {

    // message to show if search was performed but for something invalid
    $SearchForm .= ’<p class="FSF_resultsIntroFailure">’.$resultsIntroFailure.’</p>’;

    } else { // end if validSearch

    $SearchForm .= ’<p class="FSF_intro">’.$introMessage.’</p>’;

    } // end if not validSearch
    } // end if showResults

    return $SearchForm;
      Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
      My bussines: http://marker.es
      • 6726
      • 7,075 Posts
      Thanks a lot, that should help me wrap my head around it !

        .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

        MODx est l&#39;outil id
        • 32982
        • 674 Posts
          Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
          My bussines: http://marker.es
          • 32847
          • 171 Posts
          I followed instruction but a research output the regular search form.
          That works like search engine doesn’t look the category. huh
            • 32982
            • 674 Posts
            you need put in pages the category in the dropdown for example page id 1 head
            page id 2 foot page id 3 head....
            think it help you
              Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
              My bussines: http://marker.es
              • 32847
              • 171 Posts
              Thanks for your answer,
              I always did that.
              I build 2 categories (first an second) and for a simple test I put article id=5 in the firt. Now I do a search on a word from id5 with categoy second selected. The answer is article id=5 and that should be not.
              May be I didn’t understand the purpose wink

              Moreover I have some strange effect, category stayed in the list on the search page even if I deleted them in the manager.(reload site and clear cache)
                • 32982
                • 674 Posts
                you delete the tv whith the category?
                  Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
                  My bussines: http://marker.es
                  • 32847
                  • 171 Posts
                  No, I kept the TV but I changed the dropdown menu from

                  This is just an exemple wink but I have still fruit and vegetable in the menu, that’s strange.
                    • 7455
                    • 2,204 Posts
                    Could caching be a problem? try refreshing the site
                      follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
                      • 32982
                      • 674 Posts
                      i think realy could be a caching snippet
                      because i test it ok and works well (I think)
                        Jabiertxof (formerly XYZVISUAL)
                        My bussines: http://marker.es