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    • 23299
    • 1,161 Posts
    Wow, Mike, thanks!

    I would never have caught that. To be more specific I would have never thought that extra single quote in the added CSS selector box would prevent the entire TinyMCE plugin from showing itself when editing or creating pages??? Why did this seemingly small arrow bring down the entire animal? AFAIK, this was not an issue with the previous existing version of Evo (that this site was built with), namely 0.9.something? Is this a known issue with adding TinyMCE CSS selectors in the Configuration>Interface & Features pane? If so this is the first I have heard of it?

    But I must give thanks and credit to all that helped solve this puzzle. Sometimes the length to which MODx members go to solve these issues for fellow MODx’ers is amazing, and a firm reminder why this entire community simply rocks!


    • I’ve never heard of that issue either, Max. I can’t comment on why this may not have brought TMCE completely down in older versions of MODx, but the reason it happens now is that the contents of the CSS selectors field becomes part of a javascript statement. Specifically, it is becomes a string argument, enclosed in single quotes. So the single quote at the start of your CSS selectors string immediately closed the string, leaving the rest to produce a javascript error.
      I can’t think of a reason you would ever want to have single quotes in those selectors, but if it’s the case that there are some hanging around from legacy installs, there would be no harm in updating the TMCE plugin to strip single quotes out of strings where appropriate as it creates the javascript statements.
      Improvement ticket created: http://bugs.modx.com/issues/3595
        Mike Schell
        Lead Developer, MODX Cloud
        Email: [email protected]
        GitHub: https://github.com/netProphET/
        Twitter: @mkschell
        • 23299
        • 1,161 Posts
        That is really interesting.

        Maybe a future update to EVO should include a warning when adding items to the CSS selector box in the Interface & Features pane?

        Again, credit goes to you for finding the solution...
          • 36551
          • 416 Posts
          I just upgraded modx 1.0.5 to 1.0.13. TinyMCE disappeared. Thanks to this thread, more than three years old now, I found and removed a single quote from the css selectors and it returned. Wow.