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  • Well, it's not unreasonable that words like that would be banned from POST input to prevent spam and database hacking attempts. That's one thing mod_security is for. The thing that will separate the men from the boys here is how the hosting will handle a situation like this, where the POST is not coming in from unknown users on a site's front-end forms, but is from trusted users managing their sites. A good hosting provider will quickly adjust the mod_security configuration to allow your Manager on your domain to accept POST without being blocked. I don't know enough about it to know exactly how that is done, but it does come up fairly frequently and can be resolved in a matter of minutes.
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      Did you manage to fix the issue ?


      Quote from: lizardx at Apr 05, 2013, 11:13 PM
      BobRay, sottwell, thanks for taking the time to clarify and explain, groan, I was afraid of that, after I posted, but I so want to believe that I will not encounter yet another issue with our hoster. But thank you for confirming that modx is fully innocent, given this is the only issue I thought we had discovered with modx, that makes modx more impressive still, there's been some very nice cleanup and tightening of revolution since my last install, subtle things, but all good.

      Sadly, Liquid Web cpanel hosting is showing me more and more what a very bad idea liquid web cpanel hosting is as we progress through its failures and errors, I'll add this to the count of bad things they do by default.

      I really did not want to believe that they (liquid web) would do this at the server level, but sadly, it's getting all to easy for me to believe that failures are due to bad server configurations and defaults, along with cpanel knocking us offline just to keep things amusing now and then, and then to spice things up, random bad configuration decisions that we are left to discover on our own as we go along.

      But thanks for correcting my assumption, I knew that logically there was no reason for modx to care about the content, and I'm glad to see that logic prevails, modx is innocent.

      One more negative however, it's looking more and more likely we will have to move to Pair networks vps servers to avoid this seemingly endless voyage of discovery of just how bad something can be.
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        carlo_13, yes, I resolved it. We decided to stop playing with amateur level toys like cpanel that simply contaminate the system, and incompetently setup servers, and move to professional level hosting.

        Technically, you can also edit the broken regex rules in mod_security directly, which I did initially, which was actually trivially easy to do as well (I also gave the hoster the edits should they chose to actually fix the issue for all users, but that would have required more technical ability than they had access to I suspect), but given this was simply one among a constant stream of problems we'd experienced, most caused directly by cpanel itself, we made the excellent decision to stop playing games with hosting that tries to take shortcuts by using stuff like plesk or cpanel and go to a serious committed hosting company (Pair Networks).

        Our hosting issues are now permanently resolved and as I like to remind the client now and then, when is the last time we had a real hosting issue? It was before we moved our server to our current hosting company. We no longer have issues based on incompetence of the web hoster, and let me tell you, as the person who had to waste my time dealing with these issues, I'll never use any hoster that uses plesk or cpanel again, though we do like managed hosting because it works well for us and our work flow, so now we have it all.

        As a non trivial aside, by dumping tinker toy amateur hosters, we've been freed to focus on success, and I am free to focus on developing the core site tools that allow this success to happen. And boy is it happening, and that is at least in part because we no longer worry about the server or hoster cloud or other hoster created failures knocking us offline the minute we get a national level link to our site, which has happened several times in the past few weeks.

        I now view plesk/cpanel as the contaminating viruses they are. Hint: any management tool that adds a secondary level of extreme complexity requiring its own configurations and syntax over the robust and solid *nix tools achieves only bad results: increased attack surfaces; increased modes of failure; increased complexity with NO technical gain; increased reasons for failure; increased difficulty debugging failures. Never again. And those tools plus a locally created cloud... boy oh boy, now you have the recipe for failure, consistent, ongoing, non stop. Otherwise known as Liquid Web, Media Temple. [ed. note: lizardx last edited this post 8 years, 6 months ago.]