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  • I'd certainly be there, and I agree it would be good to make more connection with other MODx'ers this side of the pond!

    I've emailed a few other contacts too, so hopefully we will get the numbers.
      Helen Warner
      Number one pixel!
      Proud to be linked with MODX at Crimson Pixel
      • 28120
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      I could do Thursday
        • 37743
        • 49 Posts
        As mitchmodx said, i'm fairly new to the community so not sure how these things work, but beer and modx-related geekings sounds like a fairly solid plan to me. Has anything been confirmed / arranged?
        • We're looking for suggestions on a location. Softlayer mentioned around the Hammersmith area but James our VP biz dev thought around South Kensington might be a good area. If you have a suggestion of a location that would be great. It looks likely that it will be Thursday March 1. No time selected yet. More to come soon.
            Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub
          • Hi Everyone.

            It might help if everyone interested in a meetup next Thursday could reply to the thread so we can gage how many people are interested.

            That said a lot of people i have spoken to have mentioned it's a great idea but very short notice so I am wondering if it might be worthwhile rescheduling so there is more notice for everyone unless softlayer are bringing something special to the meetup next week?

              UK MODX Hosting with love.
            • Aaron,

              SoftLayer is planning to cover drinks for the evening and possibly location (if necessary). I have spoken to a number of other folks who may make from as far away as Edinburough, the NL.

              This is not to say that we wouldn't be able to help organize another one in the future as well as look at Birmingham or somewhere similar that might be easy to get to for more people.
                Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub
              • It would be a shame not to take advantage of this meet up, I appreciate it is short notice, but let's face it we're all busy people and any notice is not enough.

                Lets take the opportunity and go for it. It would be great to get a more connected network of MODx developers in the UK.

                A few (being only 3) did manage to meet up in December - Jim Killock helped organise that - and we had hoped to swell numbers for a future meet up but it isn't easy, so it important we take advantage of this opportunity as we have to start somewhere to make this happen and develop the UK community further.

                Look forward to meeting you all.
                  Helen Warner
                  Number one pixel!
                  Proud to be linked with MODX at Crimson Pixel
                  • 37126
                  • 37 Posts
                  I'm up for either date.
                  • OK Sounds great, it seems we do have a few numbers I was just concerned about the numbers.

                    Is anyone able to help find a venue in the London area? Jay could SoftLayer help out with this?

                    I would then say we should get an event posted on eventbrite or Lanyrd, so we can finalise the date and time etc.

                    Thursday is also good for me.

                    Thanks Aaron
                      UK MODX Hosting with love.
                    • We're looking at The Roof Gardens in South Kensington. We'll contact TRG to see if this will work. SoftLayer will cover bar and perhaps some snacks. Once we confirm a date. I'll get it up on EventBrite and or Lanyrd. We're also going to try to get Garry Nutting from the MODX dev team down as well. Just need to work out the details.

                      More soon.

                        Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub