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    • 2 Posts
    Hi, I have a problem with sending html tags, which entered into input.

     <form action="?" method="post" class="ajax_form  order-form-cont">
                            <textarea class="order-input" placeholder="Enter HTML code" name="htmlcontent" id="htmlcontent">[[!+fi.htmlcontent]]</textarea>
                            <span class="error_htmlcontent">[[+fi.error.htmlcontent]]</span>
                            <input type="text" class="order-input" placeholder="Email" name="email" value="[[!+fi.email]]">
                            <span class="error_email">[[+fi.error.email]]</span>
                            <input type="submit" name="sentbtn" value="sent to email" class="sentbtn formbutton orange">
    [[+fi.success:is=`1`:then=`<div class="alert alert-success">[[+fi.successMessage]]</div>`]]
    [[+fi.validation_error:is=`1`:then=`<div class="alert alert-danger">[[+fi.validation_error_message]]</div>`]]

    when I enter into textarea HTML code

    and email template:


    But when I send e-mail that I receive only text without HTML code that is typed in the textarea sad
    Why it remove html tags in textarea and inputs?