Any suggestions for the best ways to present basic analytics data to web clients?
I have a website with a set of custom admin pages in the web context. A user is set up with login access to these admin pages (but with no access to the manager context). I want to provide basic analytics to this user.
I don't want to provide login access to my Google Analytics account.
The options I am considering are:
- An automated weekly email with a report (attached PDF or link to a web page).
- A custom admin page containing up-to-date analytics which can be accessed any time.
I have looked into several MODX extras:
- Big Brother 1.3.0-pl (Jul 12, 2015) by lossendae - works, nice output but appears to be only available in the manager context? (dashboard widget + custom manager page).
- Google Analytics 2.0.1-pl - listed by google, but not in Now unavailable?
- Analytics 2.0.1-pl (May 28, 2014) by yogooo - tried this but currently got no further than an error:
Fatal error: Class 'Analytics' not found in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 1220
- Google Analytics Dashboard Widget 1.0.5-pl (Jun 12, 2015) by sterc - this works and appears in my manager dashboard. Very limited documentation. Can it be used to present data in the web context? Or produce reports which can be delivered by email?
- (seksitetools-0.0.2-BETA) by Stephen Smith - asks for google 'account number'. Tried with my tracking code. Nothing. looks pretty old; anybody used this?
These all access Google Analytics. Would I be better just using Google's
Analytics Embed API? Anybody tried that in MODx?
Alternatively, any suggestions for other options which use server logs to generate traffic stats?