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    • 36820
    • 31 Posts
    I have used eForm many times already but for whatever reasons this time it would not show anything that was filled in in the form. That problem occurs ONLY at the thankyou page. The thankyou page gets displayed but there is nothing to see what was filled into the form.
    Everything else is working.
    I use eform 1.4.6 on evo 1.0.15

    Here is my call
    [!eForm? &formid=`contactInquire` &to=`newuser@localhost` &tpl=`contactForm` &report=`contactReport` &thankyou=`contactThanks` &vericode=`1` &gotoid=`10` &subject=`Inquire about products` &sendAsHTML=`1` &noemail=`0` &isDebug=`0` &protectSubmit=`0`!]

    Here is my thankyou chunk
    <ul id="contactThanks">
    	<li class="benennung">First name</li><li class="tboxReport">[+firstname+]</li>
    	<li class="benennung">Family name</li><li class="tboxReport">[+familyname+]</li>		 
    	<li class="benennung">Street</li> <li class="tboxReport">[+street+]</li>
    	<li class="benennung">P.O.Box / Post Code</li> <li class="tboxReport">[+pobox+]</li>		 
    	<li class="benennung">Place / Town</li> <li class="tboxReport">[+place+]</li>
    	<li class="benennung">Country</li> <li class="tboxReport">[+land+]</li>
    	<li class="benennung">Phone</li> <li class="tboxReport">[+phone+]</li>
    	<li class="benennung">Email</li> <li class="tboxReport">[+email+] </li>  
    	<li class="benennung">File</li> <li class="tboxReport">[+attachment+] </li> 
    <div class="clear"></div>
    • I think &gotoid=`10` is the problem.

      Here is one approach to solve that: http://forums.modx.com/thread/71885/solved-how-to-pass-eform-values-to-the-gotoid-page
        • 36820
        • 31 Posts
        Danke sehr Jako. Ich sehr mir das sofort an. Toll das es neben vielen anderen auch immer noch Experten wie dich gibt die mit Evo arbeiten und mit klaren Angaben und Tipps helfen.
        • Bitte sehr. Ich bin im Evo-Bereich aber nur noch vereinzelt unterwegs und mache keine Evo-Neuinstallationen mehr.