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    • 38539
    • 18 Posts
    Hello guys,

    I am stuck with the following workflow:

    I am trying to create a megamenu using wayfinder. Every dropdown/innerTpl has two columns.

    - 1: displaying all second level child resources of the parent resource
    - 2: displaying a random number of third, fourth etc. resources via a getResources call

    To realize the second column it would be necessary to have the docid of the corresponding parent resource within the innerTpl which is not possible right now.

    Any alternatives or ideas how to bypass this issue?

    Thanks in advance
      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      Try using pdoMenu. All fields are available, so you should have [[+parent]].

      By default, all fields of the modResource object are selected.
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