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    Quote from: warenhaus at Jan 28, 2016, 02:21 PM
    open_basedir is set

    Had guessed that was what was going on. If open_basedir is set, the fetch of the feeds (via cURL) can't follow the redirect from the old http to new https feed URLS. Sites without open_basedir settings, presumably, won't be bitten by the feed-fetch/blank manager problem.

    For those with open_basedir set, for now, anyway, Susan's solution of turning off the feed fetch (or your change of the feed URLs to https) may well do the trick. Seem to, based on this thread and one other: https://forums.modx.com/thread/99402/blanc-manager-after-login

    Separate but Related
    The warnings you're seeing in the manager log seem come from another place -- and I think, but am mot absolutely positive, aren't related to the feed fetch other than also being caused by open_basedir -- the "configuration check" code that checks for such things as PHP version, prevention of access to the MODX core from the Web, etc. As such, it makes sense that the changes you made to the feeds wouldn't stop the warning's appearance.

    I see a change specifically aimed at this warning from the config check code in the 2.4.3-dev changelog. Don't think it'll do anything for the feed fetch problem when open_basedir is set, though.
    • I have re-enabled access to the forums.modx.com domain on https to prevent these redirects on the feeds. Our apologies for the disruptions.
      • Is that why my old http bookmarked address got a nginx "not found" error?
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