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    Yes, it looks like one of your upgrades failed to add the 'rank' column to the modx_categories table. Running setup might fix it for you (if the setup folder is no longer there, be sure to upload one from the exact same version of Revolution).

    You could add the column yourself in PhpMyAdmin. It should have these characteristics.

    Type: int(11)
    Null: no
    Default: 0
    Other fields: leave blank

    Set the rank to 0 for all categories

    While you're in the DB, see if the modx_context table has a 'name' field. That's another thing that's sometimes missed in upgrades that jump too many versions. If it's missing, it can cause other problems. It should have these characteristics:

    It should have these characteristics.

    Type: varchar(255)
    Null: Yes
    Default: Yes
    Collation: Same as the other two text fields

    Other fields: leave blank

    Create a name for each context based on the key that describes it very briefly. It can be the same as the key. It's not used for anything except the display in the contexts grid in the Manager.

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      • 43825
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      Hi BobRay,

      My setup directory was present, but empty so I added the columns as you suggested and it did the trick.
      Thanks a lot!
        • 36816
        • 109 Posts
        Quote from: BobRay at Jan 21, 2016, 04:16 AM
        Yes, it looks like one of your upgrades failed to add the 'rank' column to the modx_categories table.

        That column appears to have been added in 2.4.0 (see https://github.com/modxcms/revolution/blob/2.x/setup/includes/upgrades/common/2.4-categories-rank.php). It's odd and frustrating that sometimes the DB updates aren't getting done during upgrades, but seem mostly to be successful (would expect many more notes here otherwise).

        A related discussion: http://forums.modx.com/thread/98953/can-i-upgrade-straight-from-2-3-2-to-2-4-2