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  • MODx 1.0.15 installed in modx/ subdirectory

    Following a (PHP) server upgrade to 5.5 the website frontend and admin has been producing errors. I have tried changing back to 5.3, I have deleted the cache, preformed a full update and followed most of the suggested fixes for similar problems with no success.

    Errors in the frontend:
    1. evogallery HTML entity >> in gallery breadcrumbs have been stripped of the & and ; (ie: to Home raquo Care facilities raquo Glenwood Hospital raquo Photo gallery). However, the MODx Page breadcrumbs display as they are supposed to.

    Errors in the backend:
    1. evogallery - all image thumbs are blacked out - see attached gallery.pdf (however, the images still show in the frontend)
    2. When adding a link or image using TinyMCE the following link (http://www.exampleurl.co.nz/modx/manager/media/browser/mcpuk/browse.php?opener=tinymce&type=files) goes to the "Page not found" error page.

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance or suggestions to remedy these issues.
      • 9995
      • 1,613 Posts
      Did you reset the paths -> CONFIG > last 2 tabs, path to modx installation?

      There also is a new version available which is being tested at the moment but looks pritty steady.

      (https://github.com/modxcms/evolution/issues/448) (PHP 7)

      You can try to regenerate all images in EvoGallery, don't know if that will work.

        Evolution user, I like the back-end speed and simplicity smiley