☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Does this require that LDAP be enabled in PHP?
☆ A M B ☆
- 183 Posts
Yes. LDAP must be enabled.
I am trying to use this plugin to let users login in the manager. I tried the debugging as explained in the readme.md and that works perfect, I see an array of all of my Active Directory users of the given OU. But when I configure it in the manager and use the [[!ModLDAPDebug? &username=`bosse1981` &password=`xxx`]] I get a page with empty values. The logging only says:
[2017-03-20 12:52:02] (INFO @ /core/components/modldap/model/modldap/modldapdriver.class.php : 406) [ModLDAP:Driver] modLDAPDriver initialized...
What am I doing wrong? I use an AD account in the snippet call (see `bosse1981` above) is that correct? Or is it supposed to be the account that enumerates the ldap objects?
In the system settings I have a section `modldap` but also a section `modldapuser` with no settings in it. I tried to create settings ldap_bind_username and ldap_bind_password but that does not work. Bind format etc. is the same as in the debug file.
[ed. note: bosse1981 last edited this post 7 years, 8 months ago.]