I've got a similar problem. The site was upgraded to MODX 2.5.2 (manually, by copying/overwriting files and then runnig setup) and worked just fine until it was moved to another hosting.
Documents can be saved alright, but there is a problem with templates, chunks, and snippets.
Request sent to
with form data:
action: system/registry/register/send
message: {"source-tree-1":"/Filesystem/_snippet"}
message_format: json
delay: 0
ttl: 0
kill: 0
register: state
topic: /ys/user-5/
HTTP_MODAUTH: modx5ad5a2b8f19754.63840630_55afc9c79d5e028.63875122
gets response:
{"success":false,"message":"Property set not found with ID 0.","total":0,"data":[],"object":[]}
That's probably where it breaks.