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    Hello guys, I'm using MODX Revo 2.4.2-pl

    Below is my Work resources, it have 4 levels :
    - Work
    - Category
    - Client
    - Project

    On my home page I wanted to display 4 project only, then it will have a button to press 'Load More' and perform the Ajax loop and load another 4 project.

    I'm planning to open a document for ajax to call the Url, and inside the document is store with getResources

    home-page-ajax :

    home-projectHolder-level1 :

    home-projectHolder-level2 :

    When at home-projectHolder-level3, the limit is not correct, it limit by folder instead of the resources
        <a href="[[~[[+id]]? &scheme=`full`]]">
            <img src="[[+tv.ProjectImage]]" alt=""/>

    Am I in the correct way to use Ajax call?
    Any plugin / right method to perform Ajax call with the method of gettings all project and with limit & offset?

    Thanks all.....appreciate the help!...

    This question has been answered by sottwell. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      There are a lot of ways this could be done. The way MODX works does not limit you to any "one true way".

      One way: https://github.com/bezumkin/AjaxSnippet/blob/master/README.md
      Another way: https://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/case-studies-and-tutorials/loading-pages-in-the-front-end-via-ajax-and-jquery-tabs
      And yet another using pdoPage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVVol-gCiv4
        Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
        Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
        Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org
      • Usually I create resource container (e.g. "ajax" folder) in root of web context to serve js, json, xml. Assumed the root of your 'web' context look like this:

        • [1] Home - yourdomainCom/index.html
        • [2] Work - yourdomainCom/work/
        • [3] Category - yourdomainCom/category/
        • [4] Client - yourdomainCom/client/
        • [5] Project - yourdomainCom/project/
          ---- Project 1 - yourdomainCom/project/project-1.html
          ---- Project 2 - yourdomainCom/project/project-2.html
          ---- Project 3 - yourdomainCom/project/project-3.html
          ---- Project n - yourdomainCom/project/project-n.html
        • [6] ~Ajax~ (hidden from menu) - yourdomainCom/ajax/
          ---- Home-Ajax-Project.JSON (content type: JSON, hidden, uncached) - yourdomainCom/ajax/home-ajax-project.json

        Put your getResource code into Home-Ajax-Project.JSON. Than call the URI of that resource (yourdomainCom/ajax/home-ajax-project.json) using javascript.

        But I think it's not enough. There are many possibilities to get it works properly...

        When user click "load more" for the first time, its return all of your project pages but only display the second 4 project. Then when they click "load more" once again, you only have to display the next 4 project without having to make ajax call.


        Create a new snippet (e.g. getProjectAjax), then put it into your Home-Ajax-Project.JSON. In this snippet you can run get getResouce programatically. For example you can make ajax call yourdomainCom/ajax/home-ajax-project.json?page=1 or yourdomainCom/ajax/home-ajax-project.json?page=2. Then in your getProjectAjax snippet, you can get URI argument "page", and calculate the offset/limit of getResource.

        $page = isset($_GET['page'])? 0 : (int)$_GET['page'];
        $offset = $page * 4;
        $projectList= $modx->runSnippet (
          "getResources" , array(
             "tpl" => "listProjectAjax", 
             "parents"=> 5, //ID of Project resource
             "offset"=> $offset, 
             "limit"=> 4,
             "depth"=> 1,
             "sortby"=> "id", //or datecreated
             "sortdir"=> "DESC"
        return $projectList;

        http://bobsguides.com/blog.html/2015/06/01/calling-getresources-in-code/ [ed. note: lokamaya last edited this post 8 years, 3 months ago.]
        • Note...

          Since we want to output getResource as JSON, we have to carefully create the proper TPL for it. See http://forums.modx.com/index.php?action=thread&thread=67146&i=1