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    • 27 Posts
    Hello guys, I'm using modx 2.4.2-pl
    I'm using latest version of Wayfinder to populate my navigation.

    Here is the static html looks like :
    <section class='nav'>
    	<ul class='right'>
    			<a href="">Home</a>
    		<li class='has-dropdown'>
    			<a href="">About</a>
    			<ul class='dropdown'>
    				<li><a href="">History</a></li>
    				<li><a href="">Biography</a></li>
    				<li><a href="">Milestones</a></li>
    			<a href="">Contact</a>

    and here is my chunk

    <section class="nav">
            [[  Wayfinder?

    and now i'm having problem is that both ul tag is sharing the same outerTpl
    here is my chunk's output html :

    <section class='nav'>
    	<ul class='right'>
    			<a href="">Home</a>
    		<li class='has-dropdown'>
    			<a href="">About</a>
    			<ul class='right'>
    				<li><a href="">History</a></li>
    				<li><a href="">Biography</a></li>
    				<li><a href="">Milestones</a></li>
    			<a href="">Contact</a>

    here is my outertpl code
    <ul class='right'>

    i can't seems use [[+wf.level]] inside my desktop-outerTpl chunk, it output nothing.

    may I know what is the right way to make Wayfinder to make the 2nd level outerTpl to have class 'dropdown' instead of 'right'?

    Thanks alot
    • You don't need any custom tpls, just use classname properties



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