I have a getResources call, the result looks more or less like this:
- 01.01.2016 - new year's lunch (meetings)
- 11.12.2015 - writing class (classes)
- 01.12.2015 - trip to London (trips)
- 23.11.2015 - french class (classes)
I can sort them by tags:
It works very well. This is my code:
Now comes the part, that makes problems to me. I want to group the result by month. So the result I would like to achieve is:
January 2016
- 01.01.2016 - new year's lunch (meetings)
December 2015
- 11.12.2015 - writing class (classes)
- 01.12.2015 - trip to London (trips)
November 2015
- 23.11.2015 - french class (classes)
The TV, that outputs the date has the name "date". This TV gives me for every entry a timestamp output. For example: "2015-12-11 00:56:00".
I wrote a snippet (formatDate), that outputs me later the format I wish. I use it like this:
[[formatDate? &date=`[[+date]]`]]
So I thought I could use Archivist Grouper for that issue. But it is not working. Somehow it doesn't process my TVs. Here is my code:
[[!ArchivistGrouper? &parents=`2` &itemTpl=`datesTpl` &includeTVs=`1` &tvPrefix=`` &includeContent=`1` &processTVs=`1`]]
My result with Archivist Grouper is:
January 2016
- 01.01.2016 - new year's lunch ()
December 2015
- 01.01.2016 - writing class ()
- 01.01.2016 - trip to London ()
November 2015
- 01.01.2016 - french class ()
So my question is, can I get the result I wish also with getResources? Or do you have any idea to get it run! I hope very much you can help. I am happy for every hint