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    Hi I have a couple of snippets that i'd like to convert to work in Revo and don't know how.
    I have a Reflect snippet like this:
    [!Reflect?config=`wordpress` &targetID=`99` &getDocuments=`1` &dittoSnippetParameters=`parents:61`&id=`wp`!]

    The ditto snippet has been replaced with pdoResources so it should work with a little tweaking.

    I have another snippet that lists blog categories from a resource's content area. That looks like this:
    // snippet to build menu based on multiple categories contained
    // in a document
    // ID for target landing page
    $target = '61';
    // Document id for source of menu
    $sourceid = 68;
    // tpl for the output
    $tpl = '<li><a href="[[+url]]" title="[[+category]]">[[+category]]</a></li>';
    // get input value options from the source document
    $doc = $modx->getDocumentObject('id', $sourceid); 
    $list = $doc['content']; 
    $catVal= str_replace("\r\n", "||", $list);
    // make array from catVal
    $catArray = explode('||', $catVal);
    // build target link
    $targetUrl = $modx->makeUrl($target).'?tags=';
    //iterate through the array and build the menu
    foreach($catArray as $c){
    	$cTag = urlencode($c);
    	$tagLink = $targetUrl.$cTag;
    	// parse tpl
    	$tplOut = str_replace('[[+url]]', $tagLink, $tpl);
    	$tplOut = str_replace('[[+category]]', $c, $tplOut);
    	echo $tplOut;

    Any pointers much appreciated.
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