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    • 51020
    • 670 Posts
    have a web site with multiple levels.
    I am using wayfinder for my navigation - but due to the levels, I'm struggling to bring in the correct menus.

    I am using [[*parent]] to bring in the parent navigation - no problem.
    I am also using [[*ultimate parent]] to bring in the top level - again, no problem.
    BUT - I need to bring in the navigation in between the parent, and the ultimate parent!

    I can bring in using the startID, but I need to do this on multiple pages, so therefore need multiple templates - which Id like to avoid!

    I've tried to illustrate below:

    - level1 (ultimate parent)
    - level 2A (THIS IS WHAT I NEED TO PULL IN!!)
    - level 3A (parent)
    - level 4A (this page I'm working on!)
    - level 3B
    - level 3C
    - level 3D
    - level 2B

    Any ideas?


    This question has been answered by tm2000. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 51020
      • 670 Posts
      Don't worry - I fixed the issue - the syntax was wrong on Ultimate parent I had:

      but it shoudl have been:

        • 4172
        • 5,888 Posts
        &startId=`[[UltimateParent? &topLevel=`2`]]`

          you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

