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    • 50595
    • 32 Posts
    Hello experts

    Is it possible to create a front-end theme with TVs and those TVs will be automatically created for that specific template in manager while or after uploading the package? At the moment all I see is some themes with the «Commonly Used Template Tags» like [[*pagetitle]], [[*content]], etc.

    What's the keyword I have to search for in rtfm?


      • 42562
      • 1,145 Posts
      This is the default behaviour of any good Extra/Theme packager.

      MyComponent will compress your Extra/Theme with all the goodies you have specified, TV and all.
      When user goes to install, everything is unpacked just as you, the boss, intended.

      In matter of fact, I am creating a Theme/Template (or whatever it is called these days) with nine custom TVs (not pagetitle etc)

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