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    In the first place, I see the problem in the Article Row Chunk. When I put [[+total]] in my chunk, the total number is displayed correctly. However, when I use it inside a snippet call, like this:
    [[If? &subject='[[+total]]' &operator='is' &operand='4' &then='Good']]

    Nothing happened! Same issue here:

    In Advanced Setting > Pagination > Total Var : I rename the option `totalarticles`
    And, the [[+total]] works fine, inside a snippet call too.
    Unfortunately, [[+total]] displays the total number of articles, even if just some of the articles is displayed (after a search tags i.e.). And the [[+totalarticles]] displayed the total of items displayed only. That's why I want this one.
    It doesn't work in a snippet call.

    Someone have an idea?

    This question has been answered by neoziox. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 37909
      • 153 Posts