Hi Susan, great job!
I found a small blemish in (isn't from you ; )
"fixed" => "<a href='javascript:BBCode.fixed(\"$id\");void(0)' title='" . $this->modx->lexicon('modxtalks.image') . "' class='bbcode-fixed'><span>" . $this->modx->lexicon('modxtalks.fixed') . "</span></a>",
I changed it:
"fixed" => "<a href='javascript:BBCode.fixed(\"$id\");void(0)' title='" . $this->modx->lexicon('modxtalks.fixed') . "' class='bbcode-fixed'><span>" . $this->modx->lexicon('modxtalks.fixed') . "</span></a>",
Maybe you can change this?
Two error messages I still have, after a new entry:
(WARN @ /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/modx/core/components/modxtalks/mailer.php) `114` was requested but no alias was located.
(INFO @ /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/modx/core/components/modxtalks/mailer.php) Removed modxTalksMails instance with primary key 5
and after delete entry:
(ERROR @ /assets/components/modxtalks/connectors/connector.php) [modxTalks web/comment/remove] Error recalculate comments indexes 2