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    • 8168
    • 1,118 Posts
    Hi guys (Bob wink)

    I am still working on this member registration system for this MODx site and struggling away with file uploading... I have an initial register form which requires the member to upload a CV document. Then, post signup - they can edit their membership details, to upload a new CV doc and also then also upload a photo for their biog...

    The code I have working works well on member registration, but when the CV doc is updated, it falls down... Code is here > http://www.virtudraft.com/blog/upload-photo-in-modx-user-registration.html

    So... I am thinking... Might be better to abandon that approach and instead use Bob's FileUpload addon.... I have that installed and working on REVO... question is... Can I wrap it within the REGISTER / UPDATEPROFILE Login bits so that all file uploading is handled by FileUploader?? e.g. I don't want to have to have one form on the register page for the main simple text fields, and then another for the file uploading of the CV / photo...


    Cheers guys.
      • 8168
      • 1,118 Posts
      Bob - Would you consider helping me out here for a fee? This is all getting above my comfort zone and I need it sorted... Can drop you a mail with the requirements if its something you could help with? Let me know.
        • 42562
        • 1,145 Posts
        I don't want to have to have one form on the register page for the main simple text fields, and then another for the file uploading of the CV / photo...
        I was thinking of alternatives until I hit that clause.

        I like two steps, prevents knucklehead spammers and makes things easier for my MODx lifestyle.
        I say deal with members, not mere registrants; then you can do what you want with the update profile page.
        The update profile page has unique data about the user which you can use to better define specific upload paths.
        I remember using FileUpload to set username path and specific/allowed file; with registrants, I could not bother how to use temp whatnots.

        Why, you could even use a heavily stripped (or not) version of elFinder to upload and maintain any file of choice.
        TinymceWrapper makes it possible to use some cool file upload/browsers in the frontend, with or without TinyMCE.

        If you reconsider this path I am suggesting, you will find more people here who have accomplished similar tasks.

        I like easy!
          TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
          Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
          5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.