Hi chaps, I am trying to use some custom validation to make sure the 'email' and 'confirm_email' fields on my Login Register forms are the same.. seems simple enough... and have followed the example here >
https://rtfm.modx.com/extras/revo/login/login.register#Login.Register-CustomValidators but it does not work... Is the example code wrong?
Using the example code, the only way to pass the custom validation is if your matched field includes the exact characters within the ^^ text in the Register code call - I had thought it would be OK to place a field name in their to compare... e.g. equalTo=^email^ - but instead of comparing and checking to make sure the confirm_email field contains the same text as the email field, it wants the confirm_email field to actually contain the characters 'email'!!!??? How can I get it to compare the contents of a field rather than a string?
[ed. note: dubbs last edited this post 9 years, 3 months ago.]