I'm using the 1.4.0 RC1 (as I like its interface more than thus of the current 1.4.14 version).
I saw that
&rgid is currently also mentioned in the rtfm documentation.
From my tests:
1) With these parameters, &rand_tpl is ignored and you must use &tpl instead:
&gid=`...` &orderby=`random` & limit=`1`
2) By simply setting &rgid, &rand_tpl is taken into account.
(other parameters from point 1 are not necessary)
3) With parameters from point 1 and no wrapper is output around the thumbnails
4) With &rgid=`...` some wrapper is output, but &dir_tpl is ignored
I'm not sure about what &gal_desc=`1` really does, as I cannot see differences when its set to 1 or 0.
My snippet calls are as follows:
[!easy2? &gid=`2` &rgid=`2` &gal_desc=`0` &dir_tpl=`assets/modules/easy2/templates/(...)/directory.tpl` &rand_tpl=`assets/modules/easy2/templates/(...)/random_thumbnail.tpl`!]
[!easy2? &gid=`2` &rgid=`3` &gal_desc=`0` &dir_tpl=`assets/modules/easy2/templates/(...)/directory.tpl` &rand_tpl=`assets/modules/easy2/templates/(...)/random_thumbnail.tpl`!]
I would like the "thumbnails" to display only the folder name (or the title) and to store the path to the picture in an hidden input field. The template for &rand_tpl is:
<div class="thumb">
<div class="boxcontent">
<input type="hidden" value="[+easy2:link+]" />
but could even be:
<input type="hidden" value="[+easy2:link+]" />
I'm not especially interested in the thumbnails features, as custom code will handle the clicks on the gallery names.
As &dir_tpl seems being ignored, I cannot see how to specify the wrapper, unless modifying the code of the default one. Any solution?