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    • 45206
    • 32 Posts

    I'm starting a new thread echoing this one that may be misplaced :

    There are some questions about using MIGXmultilang

    1. Is it possible for a translator to access only the translated part of a resource in the manager ?
      For example, dutch people only access the dutch part that concerns them.
    2. Is it possible for MIGXMultilang to switch between languages by IP using something like GeoIP ?
      For example, someone coming from Netherlands gets the right translation even if he was calling the general .com ?
    3. In the same way, is it possible to switch between languages via a select option ?
    4. How would you do to serve dedicated datas from a custom table based on the language ?
    5. And last but not the least, is it possible to not fallback to the default language for specified resources ? There are cases where some resources would not be published at all in a specified language.

    Thanks for your help

    This question has been answered by Bruno17. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      1. Possible, yes, some custom-coding needed though.
      2. Out of the box, the browsers-language is used, to detect the users-language, the plugin, which does that part, can of course be modified to specific needs.
      3. yes, out of the box, there is a snippet, which can create the select.
      4. you can use either fieldname with the lang_id or culture_key as prefix (of suffix) or, if you need it to scale to unlimited languages, you would have a translations-table with your fields and a addional field with the lang_id or culture_key
      5. Its possible (with little coding) to redirect to a notFound-page, if not translated to the current language. Its also possible to hide untranslated Resources from lists (pdoMenu, pdoResources) with a bit of custom-coding.

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 50429
        • 14 Posts

        I also have question.

        Is it possible to parse chunks in the TVs without them breaking the translator tool?
