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    • 48586
    • 78 Posts
    I have my snippet set up in a chunk like:

    [[!SimpleSearchForm? &landing=`1333`]]

    For example, if I search the term "storm", my URL looks like:


    So, it is taking my landing value and setting it as id, not sure if that is the issue and how to get around it, but, when I manually add the resource alias for document 1333 I get the correct result for my search:


    Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?

    Thank you very much

    This question has been answered by donshakespeare. See the first response.

    [ed. note: rjohnson375 last edited this post 8 years, 8 months ago.]
    • discuss.answer
      • 42562
      • 1,145 Posts
      First, I do not even know what the landing page is doing in the url.

      This is my simpleSearchFormTpl TPL
      <form action="[[~[[+landing:default=`[[*id]]`]]]]#search" method="[[+method:default=`get`]]">
       <input id="searchField" type="text" name="[[+searchIndex]]" value="[[+searchValue]]" placeholder="Type to Search" />
       <input type="hidden" value="[[+landing:default=[[*id]]]]" />

      Does yours look too dissimilar?

      Observe the form action url
        TinymceWrapper: Complete back/frontend content solution.
        Harden your MODX site by passwording your three main folders: core, manager, connectors and renaming your assets (thank me later!)
        5 ways to sniff / hack your own sites; even with renamed/hidden folders, burst them all up, to see how secure you are not.
      • Here's the one I use for a flex-based navbar search field
        The snippet:
        [[!SimpleSearchForm? &landing=`7` &tpl=`searchFormTpl`]]

        The searchFormTpl - note the hidden field with the landing:

        <form action="[[~[[+landing:default=`[[*id]]`]]]]" method="[[+method:default=`get`]]" class="flexy-nav_form">
          <input class="flexy-nav_search" type="text" name="simpleSearchField" placeholder="Type search terms and hit enter...">
          <input type="hidden" name="id" value="[[+landing:default=[[*id]]]]" />

        And the snippet on the landing page:
        [[!SimpleSearch? &searchIndex=`simpleSearchField`]]

        It does in fact put the landing page ID in the URL:
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          • 48586
          • 78 Posts
          Thank you both, there must have been something funky with my tpl file, the chunk is now working and directing people to the correct landing page. Now I just have to make that page look good and play with some other parameters. Thank you both very much.