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    I am building a photo site and using Tagger for the tagging function. So far all works well, except for the pages to display related resources. it's a great extra and easy to work with - the ability to put Tag Groups above the content is a real bonus.

    I've been trying to solve this question on and off for a few months. Is there a way top auto-generated the pages for Tagger to display related tags on?

    On each photo page there is a series of tags for 'country' 'state' and 'region' - which are set up as three separate Tagger groups. The chunk used is:
    <div id="tags">
    [[TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tpl-placeTags` &groups=`1` &target=`0`]]  >  [[TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tpl-placeTags` &groups=`2`]]  >  [[TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tpl-placeTags` &groups=`3`]]

    That works well.

    I then created a resource for a country "Australia" - published but not showing on menus. When I create it inside a container, to keep the Resource Tree tidy, I also need to freeze the URI to remove the container from the url. On that page I use the following code, which also works:
    [[!getResources? &tpl=`tplIntros` &parents=`2` &includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`1` &hideContainers=`1` &includeContent=`1` &showHidden=`1` &where=`[[!TaggerGetResourcesWhere? &tags=`[[*pagetitle]]`]]`]]

    The Tagger documentation assumes a lot of knowledge - ie. you also need to populate the rest of the getResources call.

    I'm guessing that there's a way to auto-generate the pages to display tags on. Otherwise it means creating a new resource for every tag that gets added.

    Can anyone give me any clues on auto-generating pages, or is that not possible?

    Thanks in advance

    Rob [ed. note: robinqld last edited this post 9 years, 6 months ago.]
      • 42415
      • 115 Posts
      Hi Robinqld, did you find a resolution for this?

      I am trying to do something similar with tagger auto generating urls from an migxdb but so far I cannot do this.

      You are correct that the documentation assumes a lot of knowledge so it is not so helpful for publishers.