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    • 50675
    • 13 Posts
    Hi all,
    Not sure if i'm posting this in in the right area, please tell me if it's not.

    Got an issue with Wayfinder, when I shrink the page down to test responsiveness I get some text 'undefined' in the header where the nav bar would be when full width. It shows up when the navigation swaps over to mobile view.
    The site is test.thevetcentre.com.au

    Check it out for yourself, i'm not sure what to do to remedy this but if someone does i'd sure like some help! smiley

    Thanks in advance.


    This question has been answered by iusemodx. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 13226
      • 953 Posts
      That has nothing to do with Wayfinder - it has to do with the template you are using from "HTML5 UP"

      At a glance - the javascript file that is used for the titlebar is the "main.js", which contains the following code:
      // Title Bar.
      '<div id="titleBar">' +
          '<a href="#navPanel" class="toggle"></a>' +
          '<span class="title">' + $('#logo').html() + '</span>' +

      The code looks at the page source for the "id=logo" and uses the text found within, which you no-longer have

      Add the logo as seen in the original file and you shouldn't get the undefined message anymore
      <h1><a href="#" id="logo">LOGO TEXT</a></h1>

      If you don't want to use the code in its original form you can obviously remove or comment out the title bar script

      If this doesn't work, contact the original template developer
        • 50675
        • 13 Posts
        Quote from: iusemodx at Jul 29, 2015, 07:56 AM
        That has nothing to do with Wayfinder - it has to do with the template you are using from "HTML5 UP"

        At a glance - the javascript file that is used for the titlebar is the "main.js", which contains the following code:
        // Title Bar.
        '<div id="titleBar">' +
            '<a href="#navPanel" class="toggle"></a>' +
            '<span class="title">' + $('#logo').html() + '</span>' +

        The code looks at the page source for the "id=logo" and uses the text found within, which you no-longer have

        Add the logo as seen in the original file and you shouldn't get the undefined message anymore
        <h1><a href="#" id="logo">LOGO TEXT</a></h1>

        If you don't want to use the code in its original form you can obviously remove or comment out the title bar script

        If this doesn't work, contact the original template developer

        Ahh! I see, that makes sense.
        Thank you very much for taking the time to explain smiley