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    I'm creating a site in Revolution 2.3.3.

    I want to hide/show "settings" tab of the resource editing screen from some manager users who are only supposed to edit the content on selected pages and not mess with the settings. I know this is possible because at the moment it's hidden for one user but showing for the others. The problem is that I can't work out what it is that makes it appear or disappear.

    I've meticulously compared the user who can't see it side by side with the ones who can, but I can't find any differences. As far as I can see, they have the exact same group membership, roles, priority order, etc. I did find that if I try to create new users and apply the same settings, they always see the settings tab.

    Does anyone know if there is a definitive way to hide the settings tab? Or is it just a weird anomaly that I managed to make it disappear for the one user...?


    This question has been answered by BobRay. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 3749
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      Are you hiding it with Form Customization? That would be the usual way.

      Remember that you may have to flush both permissions and sessions after making a change before you'll see it. You also need to test in another browser where you're not logged in to the Manager (different browser windows won't do it).
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        • 50676
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        Quote from: BobRay at Jul 16, 2015, 11:11 PM
        Are you hiding it with Form Customization? That would be the usual way.

        Thank you, you're quite right: turns out Form Customization is the answer. I was so fixated on tracing this via ACLs I forgot about Form Customization.

        For anyone else reading this with the same puzzle, the trick seems to be that, where users are members of multiple user groups it's the group membership with the lowest rank (Manage > Users > Access Permissions) that determines the Form Customization profile that applies.

        My error was to assume that if I got the users in the same groups they ought to see the same thing. However, because Form Customization had been set up and the user was a member of more than one group, I also needed to look at the user's individual settings and rank their group memberships to prioritize the group whose Form Customization I want them to see.