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    I've just upgraded a site to 2.3.5 from 2.1.7. The website itself is working fine but the manager isn't displaying properly, my guess is that a CSS path is missing/wrong, half the manager looks fine but the top banner and any input forms on the editing pages look unstyled.

    Because of numerous previous upgrade issues (I have only ever had one upgrade go completely "as it should") with many tens of sites and many different methods I tried this process:

    1. Empty cache
    2. Update all extras
    3. Turn of FURLs
    4. Logout
    5. Backup original site and DB
    6. Upload zipped upgrade
    7. Delete old MODX directories: core, components & manager
    8. Delete old MODX files: index.php, ht.access, config.core.php
    9. Extract and move new versions of deleted directories and files + setup directory
    10. Upload and replace core/components directory from backup
    11. Upload and replace core/config/config.inc.php file from backup
    12. Run setup

    I got one error message which means nothing to me:

    Error updating table for class modResource
    [0] => 42000
    [1] => 1061
    [2] => Duplicate key name 'cache_refresh_idx'

    This method has almost worked except for this manager display problem, if anyone can offer any insight as to what is wrong, i.e. a CSS path not specified correctly somewhere, it would be much appreciated.

    Oh, I have run Bob Ray's excellent SiteCheck and it is not showing any errors.

    Many thanks - Zaphodz

    P.S. It would be soooooo nice if MODX had upgrading built in smiley Because of the endless issues I have with this I only upgrade when I really have to.

    This question has been answered by BobRay. See the first response.

    [ed. note: zaphodx last edited this post 8 years, 9 months ago.]
    • Try turning off compress_css and compress_js. Also make sure that your browser cache is cleared, it may be trying to use an old .js file that has been replaced.
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        It could well be the compress settings, but when this kind of thing happens to me. It's usually some JS from the older version stuck in the browser cache or something stuck in the MODX cache.

        After changing the System Settings (in the modx_system_Settings table if necessary), delete all files in the core/cache directory, and if that doesn't do it, try using incognito or private mode in the browser and delete all files in the core/cache directory again before logging in. If that solves it, it's a browser cache issue.
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        • More than a few times recently and in fact, the last time I saw this kind of broken manager, the answer was finally in grabbing a new MODX.zip file and reinstalling. Again...

          Not sure why, but occasionally the downloaded file itself seems to be corrupted or something. Also, don't FTP the files after extracting, do the extraction on the server itself.

          It's worth a shot.
            Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
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            • 33379
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            Thank you all for the tips! In the end clearing the browser cache was the problem, Doh! Don't know why I didn't do that, I usually do. So silly that it's nearly always something simple that's been overlooked when these issues occur.

            Thanks Bob!

            Cheers - Mark.
            • If you are using a standard install, the install.php script does a fine job of downloading, extracting and moving the files into place. You can use it for advanced installations, you just have to move the core files (and the manager and connectors files if you've renamed those) into place manually before running the setup.
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