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  • Revo 2.3.5 has been released. This patch release follows two days after the release of Revo 2.3.4 to correct an issue causing problems with sorting the Resource tree via drag and drop. We also squeezed in a couple more fixes. Why wouldn't we? I missed posting on the day of release of 2.3.4 and held off until 2.3.5 was released to publish the announcement so here's a combined announcement that includes details of both patch releases. Most of the major improvements were in the 2.3.4 release. Read on to find out more.

    Here's the list of changes in Revo 2.3.5:
    • Fix drag and drop Resource sort when auto_isfolder setting is enabled
    • Fix Account drop down hover on small screens
    • Compile Sass with libsass
    • Update npm packages
    • Update and Relax bower packages View the changelog.

    Contributors on the 2.3.5 release
    Let's take the time to thank the individual contributors of this release (in no particular order): jpdevries , zaigham, and theboxer.

    Revolution 2.3.4 included two dozen fixes, many of which are bugfixes and refinements to the Manager. Here are the highlights:
    • Fixes to custom manager themes
    • Fix editing Amazon S3 Media sources
    • Quick update form, now displays the Resource pagetitle or Element name rather than just "Quick Update".
    • Update Font Awesome to 4.3.0
    • Update bower package for correctly building Manager themes
    • Correctly apply Resource locks to current user
    • For a complete list of changes in Revo 2.3.4 view the changelog

    Contributors on the 2.3.4 Release

    Let's take the time to thank the individual contributors of this release (in no particular order): argnist, bezumkin, sepiariver, soulcreate, Jako, goldsky, opengeek, pixelchutes, rtripault, TheBoxer, Zaigham, markwillis82, Fi1osof, hansek, netProphET, mindeffects, pepim, renekopcem, ianbrind, victorhaggqvist, trevordixon, and electrickite.

    Security is an Ongoing Process
    We cannot stress how important it is to be running the most current version of MODX. We are always improving security and staying in the habit of regular upgrades dramatically reduces the chance of your site getting hacked.

    Get Started with Revo 2.3.5
    Here's what you need to get started or upgrade to MODX Revolution 2.3.5:

    Not Yet Using Revolution 2.3?
    Revolution 2.3 was a significant release. If you're not yet using it ]]here's what you're missing out on.

    It Takes a Village
    MODX is only as good as it is because of many individual community members and users that take the time to report issues and request new features. Make sure you read the documentation, post feedback and share your successes in the MODX community forums.

    On behalf of the entire MODX Team,
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub

    This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.