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    • 43864
    • 151 Posts
    I use Migx a lot, in almost every project. One thing I never have found is how to translate an ID to a readable description in the Migx grid.

    let me explain what I mean:

    I have a simple Migx setup where the user can choose from a dropdown a certain resource.

    [{"caption":"Image", "fields": [

    The inputTV "Resource" is a dropdownlist with all the resources from a certain container. With getresources I have made it so the user can choose the resource from the dropdown on selection of the pagetitle (pagetitle==id).

    So far no problem. But then I want to show the selected resources in a list in an Migx grid. So I use:

      "header": "Resource", "sortable": "false", "dataIndex": "resource"

    But in this way I get a list of the IDs and that's not what I want to show. I want to show the pagetitles of the selected resources in that Migx grid. But I still need the ID to use in my template. So I cannot do pagetitle==pagetitle in the dropdownlist.

    f.e.: The user choses the resource 'Test' (with ID 12) from the dropdown. In the grid only the ID is shown: 12. Very confusing for the user.

    Any idea how to do this? I already searched for information but cannot find a solution.
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      Its possible with new column and the renderChunk - renderer.
      But then, use the MIGX-configurator to create the config for the TV.

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

