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  • Any information on adding an image field to a CRC using ClassExtender?
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      If you just want to store the path, it's a regular text field.

      If you want to store attributes along with it, they'd either have to be separate fields or you'd have to do some custom work.
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      • I meant having the editing field open the file browser. Like SimpleCart product pages has.
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        • Looked up SC's javascript and found this, which I presume would go, after some modification of course, in the "MyExtraResourceFields" chunk
                          xtype: 'modx-combo-browser'
                          ,fieldLabel: _('simplecart.resource.product_image')
                          ,name: 'product_image'
                          ,id: 'simplecart-product-resource-image'
                          ,anchor: '100%'
                          ,source: imageSource
                          ,hideSourceCombo: true
                          ,listeners: {
                              'select': {
                                  fn: function(data) {
                                      var d = Ext.get('simplecart-product-resource-imagepreview');
                                      if (!Ext.isEmpty(data.url)) {
                                          var imageUrl = MODx.config.connectors_url+'system/phpthumb.php?h=150&w=200&src='+data.url+'&wctx=web&source='+imageSource;
                                          d.update('<img src="'+imageUrl+'" alt="" />');
                                  ,scope: this
                          html: '<div id="simplecart-product-resource-imagepreview">' +
                              ((config.record.product_image) ? '<img src="'+MODx.config.connectors_url+'system/phpthumb.php?h=150&w=200&src='+config.record.product_image+'&wctx=web&source='+imageSource+'">' : '') +
                          ,border: false
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            That sounds right to me. CE will just respond to the field's text content on submission (assuming that it's a real submission and the fields are set in the $_POST). CE doesn't care how it gets there.
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              Hi, its an old post, but an actual problem for me wink

              I would like to add a second Image to a user. I understood that i just have to add a input type=text to save the path to the image.

              But it would be much nicer if the user could use the Media Manager.

              Susans solution sound like the JS would open the media browser but i am totally lost how to use it.

              Any Ideas? [ed. note: stefan79w last edited this post 6 years, 6 months ago.]