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  • We are running multiple sites (using contexts of course) within one MODX instance. As a result, we use media sources and acls to limit end users to viewing only the correct context and only a certain area of the file system.

    MODX Version 2.3.3
    Articles Version 1.7.11

    When logged in as an Administrator with the following settings:

    Sudo User
    User Group: Administrator Super User 0
    Admin User Group uses the Administrator Access Policy

    This user can see the following when editing a resource in Articles (i.e. an article post, not the container):

    • Template Variables
    • Tags

    There is on TV attached to the template, called: image

    It is, as you might imagine, as standard image TV and it has media sources assigned

    For the context user, we have the following settings:

    Not Sudo User
    User Group: ContextName Member 0
    ContextName Group uses a custom policy called Content Editor *Custom Policy*
    Media Source: ContextName (limited to a particular folder) and the correct media source is assigned to it for each context.

    This user cannot see the following when editing a resource in Articles:

    • Template Variables
    • Tags

    However, they can see the template variables tab in every other type of document (i.e. not in Articles). They can also see Manager Customizations with the TV tab changed name in every other resource except an Articles resource.

    We even completely disabled the Articles Post template rule in Manager Customization in case that was a factor (though the rule had everything open).

    Only by setting the user as a Sudo user and Administrator can we tags and tvs in an Articles post, but then that's not good because it allow the user to see the other contexts. Even if we set the user to not Sudo user but place them in the Administrator Group as a super user, the TV tab and the tags are not visible so we don't believe it's our own custom ACL for each context, and indeed, this was not an issue in MODX 2.2.x.

    We cannot figure out why this is and may consider ditching Articles entirely and rebuilding the blogs use getResources.

    Anyone else run into anything like this?