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    • 33418
    • 22 Posts
    i'm starting with API commands in modx

    i'm trying to extract data from a migx table called "prog_migx" with a snippet.
    my table has multiples lines and four rows called "name", "email", "country", "comment"

    this simple code give me the content of the entire table.
    like this [{"MIGX_id":"1","name":"deroy","email":"[email protected]","country":"ireland","comment":"yep !"},....]
    $page = $modx->getObject('modResource',4);
    $output = $page->getTVValue('prog_migx');
    echo $output;

    but now, i want to read a specific row, of a specific line.
    is anybody can help me ?

      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      This is a json-array. There aren't API-functions to filter json-array-items

      MIGX has a method to filter MIGX-items and you can use getImageList.

      for example:




        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

