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    bottledwishes Reply #1, 9 years ago
    MY website: www.bsgh.at

    The problem is that if I go to my gallery and click on any of the albums, it always shows the same images, even though I have various albums uploaded in the Gallery extra.

    This is my code in my Galerie Details Template.
        <div id="inhalt"><div style="clear:both"></div>
    <div style="clear:both"> </div>      <div class="Button" style="margin-top:20px"><a href="[[~8]]">back to overview</a></div>

    This is my rowTpl snippet
    <div class="thumbnail">
     <a href="[[~33]]&[[+albumRequestVar]]=[[+id]]" title="[[+name]]">
      <img src="[[+image]]&w=270&h=160&zc=1" alt="[[+name]]">

    This is in my Gallery overview Template
    [[!GalleryAlbums? &rowTpl=`rowTpl` &toPlaceholder=`galleries` &prominentOnly=`0`  &limit=`0` &plugin=`slimbox`]]

    So why those it always show the same pictures?
      • 42046
      • 436 Posts
      Try calling it uncached:

        • 38878
        • 255 Posts
        I was having the same issue using a GalleryAlbums uncached to generate a hidden div for each album with gallery images to populate later in a modal window. Everything was working great except every album was populating the same images from only one of the albums.

        GalleryAlbums call:
        [[!GalleryAlbums? &rowTpl=`galleryModalTpl` &showAll=`0` &sort=`name` &dir=`ASC`]]

        <div class="content-to-populate-in-modal" id="modal-content-gallery-[[+id]]">
            <div id="gallery-slider-[[+id]]" class="owl-carousel popup-sng-image-gallery">
              [[!Gallery? &album=`[[+id]]` &thumbTpl=`galItem` &thumbWidth=`205` &thumbHeight=`205]]

        This was resolved by moving the Gallery Albums call above higher on the page (before another GalleryAlbums snippet call). Can't really explain it, but there it is.