I'm setting on a bi context revo 2.33 with Babel, a global search with advsearch.
Not sure of what it does.
here's the call
[[!AdvSearch? &contexts=`[[*context_key]]` &parents=`[[BabelTranslation? &contextKey=`[[*context_key]]` &resourceId=`2`]]` &withTVs=`phase-applis,USP_phase`]]
I applied the patch about micro time, so when I search with nothing in the input except the default helping value,
I get what seams to be the full list of every words found in the web site tree.
I'm calling advsearch
context dependant (and my 2 contexts are strictly the same in term of pages)
and still with no search word enterred I get actually 33 pages of results for the default web context (fr) Not a EN results , that's expected
and 55 pages for alternate en (eng) context... that's not correct, it includes then ALSO the web context documents !..
I can not be sure the context to search into seams to be correctly taken.
As soon as any word is entered into the search input (whatever the context is), the landing is a blank (500 err ?) page
the url of the landing page is them
We see the landing is the right one and the name of the submit button is correct too
here's the url of the web (fr) landing page
But ... I do see where investigaute now..
thank you