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    So, I don't know if this has actually been solved by anyone to this point, but I've got a pretty complex site with about 60 contexts, many of which have their own Articles-based blog. I'm not about to try and move those - Keeping articles functioning is pretty important to me right now.

    All that said, I've been working all day at trying to trace my way through the code and inadvertently commented out a single line:

    $this->modx->sendForward($this->modx->getOption('error_page'), 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');

    It's at the bottom of articlesrouter.class.php. Once I commented this out, my rss feed started functioning normally.


    I'm going to do some more work around this because - like I said - I can't have articles fail right now. Still, I did want to share this solution - hopefully it works for you.