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    • 49515
    • 184 Posts
    Hello, I understand sIFR is 6 year old deprecated code.
    Is there a recommended alternative that MODX can handle, to make a slide bar for sliding images?
    • Can you provide a link to an example of what you want to do? Generally speaking, you can use any Javascript plugin you like. Just have the listing snippet that generates the set of images use the HTML structure in its chunk tpl as your Javascript expects.
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        • 49515
        • 184 Posts
        Sorry, here's a screenshot of the code I can read in Inspect element.
          • 49515
          • 184 Posts
          Perhaps I could try getbootstrap or carousel or pinegrow.com?
          I don't know, just need a slide show to work and have local editing with git control.
          • Well, as far as the local editing and git control go, I don't have any ideas. But once you do have your images in place, you can use any of those plugins you prefer. Right now I'm working on trying to get a new-to-me JQuery plugin, Slick. While it works great and is easy to implement, I'm still at this point in time stuck on styling the bottom slider. Before I've generally used Cycle2. [ed. note: sottwell last edited this post 9 years, 2 months ago.]
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            • sIFR is an old method to display fonts on a website. It is not a slider as far as I know. Use webfonts instead of sIFR.
                • 49515
                • 184 Posts
                Ok, thank you for the feedback.
                Well, I think I can remove the sIFR and I might try either OWL Carousel http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/ or Bootstrap Carousel http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_carousel.asp, which w3schools seems to provide a tutorial for.

                I might have to start a new Forum thread about how to edit the MODX website locally and with Git tracking, as everyone says live editing is a no no, but it's the only way I can get anything done on the MODX website for now?
                  • Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                    Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
                    Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org
                    • 49515
                    • 184 Posts
                    Well, whenever I ask for help or discuss with others, some 'expert' speaks over everyone and says to not edit live, rather edit locally, but never says how to do it.
                    Kind of kills the constructive conversation, so I'm still trying to figure it out.

                    Thanks for the links, lots of useful information there.
                    Doesn't apply to me mostly as I don't use MODX cloud. The website is with a Webhost that doesn't offer SSH.

                    I can't really afford $120 per year as I'm from a poor part of the world.
                    When I earn some money I would help financially, but for now, I can only offer my labour.

                    The stagecoach thing looks good, so I might that, but it's not available. I went to MODX (version not clearly available?) > Dashboard > Extras > Installer > Package Management > Search... > stagecoach > Enter > no results.

                    Also, I seem to be leaning to owl-carousel and bootstrap which have a clear walkthrough. [ed. note: eiger3970 last edited this post 9 years, 2 months ago.]
                    • Ah. I understand. It is true you're better off having a development version of the site somewhere, perhaps on your local machine. Do your editing there, and when you are sure it didn't break something, then make the changes to your live site. Of course, this is rather awkward and time-consuming, unless you have some kind of workflow set up to keep the sites in sync. Not to mention having to set up a webserver environment on your local computer. I use MAMP on my MacBook, and MAMP now has a version for Windows.

                      As far as something like this, you can work on a "testing" resource, with a "testing" template. I create a new Category, Testing, to have all of my testing elements in, and usually a container resource "Testing" to hold all of my test resources. That won't bother the rest of the site. Working on a plugin that could affect the entire site would certainly be another matter. Just make sure to delete all of your "testing" stuff once you are finished with it. A cluttered resource and element tree can be hard to work with.
                        Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                        Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
                        Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org