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  • Help Us Bring MODX to Everyone
    We've embarked on a mission to make the MODX Manager accessible for all and we need your help.

    As you know, MODX has always stood for creative freedom. However, Revo’s Manager has failed to deliver that promise for all. People who use assistive technologies like screen readers, enlarged fonts and alternate input devices were never really given proper consideration. That must change.

    We want to make it right by making it possible for anyone to use MODX, no matter what.

    A Huge Head Start
    We have already started research and development work on this important initiative thanks to $25,000 in funding from The Ohio State University. We’re looking to complete the effort by crowdfunding a matching amount. If only 1000 MODX community members and their clients donated $25, we’d reach our goal, virtually overnight. You can get directly involved, too.

    All funds raised will be used to dedicate development resources, expert consulting and user testing.

    You Can Make a Difference
    So please help us reach our goal so we can bring MODX to everyone. Take a minute (right now please!) to visit a11y.modx.com and find the donation level that’s right for you. Any amount will make a difference, and it’s easy to support this very worthy cause. All donations over $25 are eligible for a variety of donor rewards including MODX stickers, shirts and hats exclusive to this campaign, and some really awesome Accessibility courses from Deque University.

    Help Spread the Word
    If you can’t support this initiative personally, but work with MODX professionally, we’d love to see your company or customers supporting the accessible MODX Manager project, too. It takes just a few seconds to forward this message along with a simple request from you.

    Further, we’d welcome translations to the accessibility campaign message; if you can help translate any of a11y.modx.com, please get in touch.

    ***Donate Now*** [ed. note: smashingred last edited this post 9 years, 2 months ago.]
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub

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